So much time and so little to do . . . Strike that

I love that line from Willie Wonka & the Chocolate Factory . In the middle of his amazing chocolate factory, Mr. Wonka tells his group of golden ticket holders to hurry along as they have "So much time and so little to do. Wait a minute. Strike that. Reverse it." Oh, I've been feeling that way this week. So much to do . . . my friends. Such little time. But, what is most important . . . is that I am doing. And not only in my studio. I'm feeling a little more focused these days. I'm cleaning cupboards. I'm organizing closets. (well . . . only one so far . . . but that's something, right?) I'm throwing things away. Do you know that I had cake mix in my cabinet that expired in 2010? Like, January of 2010? I KNOW! I digress . . . . I'm walking. I'm writing. I'm reading. I'm painting. I even went to a Natural Health Foods Store today, to find a natural way to deal with these unruly seasonal a...