A Million Thoughts Update

Oh, my friends . . . what a busy week it was. I've got lots of stories to update you on, and this time, I am going to do my very best to do just that! It's Sunday morning here . . . the house is still quite (yay!) . . . I just cropped all the photos from my camera . . . I have a full cup off coffee . . . and blogland is my oyster! I thought I would just sit and write as many blog posts as I can this morning. I have a list a mile long of all that I wanted to share on here. So this morning, I hope to get as many written as possible. With any luck, we'll have at least a week or two of some new material to ponder . . . YAY! Before we get into any deep thinking . . . I'll leave that for Tuesday or Wednesday, perhaps . . . I have to share our major weekend celebration with you. Drum roll . . . please . . . Because, my friends . . . I have . . . a TEN YEAR OLD!!! Yep. Katie Girl, Katherine Josephine, Katie-Potatie, (and all the other names I've given her through th...