
Isn't it frustrating to be traveling through life, enjoying the views, feeling happy and optimistic, when . . . . BAM . . . you hit a wall. While trying to back up and take another route . . . . BAM . . . . there was a wall behind you that you didn't see. Well, that route didn't quite work out as you planned, now did it? Let's try this way . . . I am sure the view will be much better there . . . . BAM . . . . well, where did that wall come from? I'm feeling a little bit like that today. The universe has tilted, and while I am blessed with so many things in my day . . . I'm feeling a little off. Tired. Worried. Frustrated. Tired of trying to make everyone happy. Worried about those I love. Frustrated that I need to get over all of it, and just give it up to God . . . I have so many blessings. I know that. But... BAM. Another wall. How do you knock down the walls around you?