
Isn't it frustrating to be traveling through life, enjoying the views, feeling happy and optimistic, when . . . . BAM . . . you hit a wall.

While trying to back up and take another route . . . . BAM . . . . there was a wall behind you that you didn't see. Well, that route didn't quite work out as you planned, now did it?

Let's try this way . . . I am sure the view will be much better there . . . . BAM . . . . well, where did that wall come from?

I'm feeling a little bit like that today.

The universe has tilted, and while I am blessed with so many things in my day . . . I'm feeling a little off.




Tired of trying to make everyone happy.

Worried about those I love.

Frustrated that I need to get over all of it, and just give it up to God . . . I have so many blessings. I know that. But...


Another wall.

How do you knock down the walls around you?


  1. I went for a 2-mile walk this evening, after dinner. And I made a nice dinner for myself instead of eating chips 'n' dip (well, I'll admit I ate those TOO!). VERY stressful week, with no seeming escape. But I made a point of focusing on myself -- NURTURING myself -- and then there was some clarity and some issues have been resolved ... :)

  2. Sending you ((hugs)), but your post got me thinking... scary, i know... but I think the best way to deal with the walls we all encounter is to do exactly what you've done - name them, acknowledge them for what they are, and then sleep on it. Things will hopefully look better in the morning, but if wall is still there, or even if it grows, just sit down in front of it, draw a circle around yourself and realize that you are exactly where you need to be at this moment. :-) And now time for me to send more ((hugs)) your way.

  3. For me, I first accept I can't change those walls, can't knock em down. All I can do is change how I react to the walls before me. Then I pray. I mean really pray. Hand my worries over, and then the hard part of TRUST takes over. It's work to trust that God will give you all the strength and fortitude that you need. But I tell you, this practice has given me peace in the most difficult of moments. God Bless YOU! You are in my thoughts and prayers today for whatever you suffer. sahmatwork

  4. This could have been my post, Leanne. I so understand those walls...when I am hitting them one after another I take a deep breath and curl up on my couch. I snuggle in my warm blanket and have a cup of something warm and soothing. Ahhhh, feel so good:)

    Thinking of you and wishing I had a giant crane I could use to knock down your walls!

  5. I understand completely. I usually bang my head against them for awhile and them realize I've got to get around them Sometimes, the best scenery is over there, beyond the wall.

  6. Life has a habit of treating you like this, just take a deep breath and go for a walk if you can. You will return refreshed and view things differently if you can escape for awhile to your own thoughts.

  7. Ahh, my friend, the secret is to enjoy whatever beauty the wall offers. Accept that running into them makes you appreciate the times when you aren't running into them. And helps you to appreciate what is there when the walls aren't. Sheesh, that sounds cryptic, doesn't it??? Just know that those walls aren't permanent. Giant hugs, Sweetie!!

  8. UH Oh.. it's in the water, eh? Hmm.. I don't know how to break the walls down - b/c I am encased inside many... BUT.. I just keep telling myself to breathe.

  9. My entire year of 24 was like this....I hope 25 is different haha

  10. I have tons of walls....No great answer just slow down and Breathe and well I am seeing a therapist:O)she's kinda helping:O)O and Laugh it does the body good!!!!:O) Hugs Isabel


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