Me, Myself and I

I had a business meeting with myself on Monday.

At my local Starbucks Office.

I decided it was time to develop
my mission statement, 
my business plan,
my hopes
my dreams.

It went really well.

“A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.”
- Lao Tzu

I'm taking steps, my friends,
each and every day.


  1. Single steps! That's how you do it, LE. "I think I can, I think I can, I KNOW I can".

  2. So proud of you! And hey...I was serious when I said I would love to buy that bird collage you did...I can see it in my space...

    Keep on moving on, girl!!!!!!

  3. I hope there was no one at your meeting that droned on and on and clearly just wanted to hear himself speak. Probably not. Lucky you. Keep goin' girl - you're my hero!

  4. You are really making it happen!


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