Something made me write this letter to myself. Some need to remind myself of how far I've come and remind myself of where I want to go. But primarily, a letter to get myself out of Funkytown. This, my friends, is my Letter to Me. Dear Me, Hi there . . . it's me. Well, it's you , actually, writing a letter to . . . you. I mean, me. Myself. I. (Oh boy, if I keep going in this direction, we're going to be here a while.) The truth is, I think you hit the nail right on the head yesterday in your post. And I think that it's time you have a good long talk with yourself. Because it seems pretty clear to me that YOU are the only person who can get YOU moving right now. So, here we go. You see, now that we realize what the problem is, I think we need to address it and then . . . MOVE ON. Alright? But before we do that, I think there are a couple of things you need to hear. Things that you need to tell yourself. Out loud. Because, my ...