Back to Life

My girls start school tomorrow. Katie will begin 5th grade and Ella is starting 1st. And I am . . . ecstatic. I'm so ecstatic, that I almost feel guilty about it. I love my girls dearly . . . and if you have followed my blog for any amount of time, you know how very much that statement is true. But my friends . . . I cannot wait for them to begin school this year. We have had an incredibly wonderful summer full of adventures and laughter and fun. We've traveled from almost one side of our wonderful country to the other. We've volunteered and spread good cheer. We swam, we danced, we slept over, we picked cherries and blueberries, we walked, we gardened, we laughed, we fed, we ate, we celebrated, and we played just about as hard as anyone could. And now, this momma is desperate to get a little normalcy back to her days. With the small exception of the art classes I taught - I've hardly painted the whole summer long. A...