
Showing posts from January, 2014

The Real Value of Love

My girls love to play those sort of "Q&A" games, where we ask each other questions and wait patiently for our answer.  "What's your favorite Ice Cream? What do you want to be when you grow up? What's the one favorite 'thing' of yours you would grab if we had a fire in the house? What makes you really really happy?   Which One Direction guy is your favorite? " sort of questions. I love when we play those games, too. It is a great way to really  learn about my girls. I like to think I know everything about them . . . but when we start playing our Q&A game, I realize just how much I don't know. It makes me happy to learn their likes and dislikes, their thoughts and ideas.   I like when the questions really get me thinking for my own answers. Things I don't often stop long enough to think about have to be answered when there are little ears waiting for a reply. For example . . . our favorite possessions. I know that Katie...

A "Me Party" Kind of Day

         So, how is your week going, my friend? Do you find yourself changing any behaviors or habits as a result of your word for this year? Well . . . I've been embracing FOCUS and all that comes with it. So much so, that I had a "Me Party" one day last week. And it was wonderful.  I've wanted to see the movie " Saving Mr. Banks " since it came out, but between Phil's travel schedule, my schedule, and the kids schedules, Phil and I could not get ourselves there. This bothered me so . . . especially since it looked like a movie I would greatly enjoy.  All week I hmmmed and hawed about going to see it - the guilt took over as I told myself, " No . . . You cannot take yourself during the day, while your kids are at school and your husband is at work. You should be home . . . doing laundry, making dinner, or painting. You don't deserve such a treat for yourself. "  And then, I told myself . . . " Go. Do it. You want to...

Renewing the Focus

I've made a fairly big decision about how I am going to play out this amazing 2014 and my attempts to FOCUS. Remember, focus is my "word" for the year: what I am going to work towards, what is going to help me move forward physically, mentally, creatively and spiritually. It is THE plan for 2014. FOCUS. I'm working so hard at it, my friends. Truly and deeply. Each and every day. I am in living in the moment, really stopping my mind when it starts trailing off into a thousand and one directions, and keep myself grounded in the now. It is actually a lot harder than I thought it would be, but so very worth it. I'm feeling good this year. Really good. So, back to my decision. One of my favorite artists and mentors introduced an e-course on her amazing craft this year. I was on the email list for updates on the class, and quickly opened the announcement when it came out. I was THRILLED (like - butterflies in the stomach excited) when I saw it. B...

The Choices We Make

I'm so proud of my daughters. There are times when I look at the beautiful souls they are becoming, and my heart swells. We talk constantly . . . communication . . . that is the key. When I know that something is really bothering them, I want to talk it through. I've raised them to know that there is nothing that we can't work through - nothing that we can't figure out - nothing that we can't talk about.  When they were younger (3 or 4), the conversations were short and brief. Their worries were simple things that I could always figure out. I almost enjoyed those opportunites, so I could show them how easy the solutions really were. But now, as they get older, some of their questions and concerns have become harder to address.  Things in our extended family life have been challenging this past holiday. Disagreements from years ago resurfaced, certain family members didn't attend holiday gatherings, and feelings of hurt and anger that were long covered over have ...

And the Winner Is . . .

Oh, dear . . . look at the time!!! I'm so sorry for being so late. It's been such a crazy busy day. I could go on and on and tell you about my wonderful shopping adventure at both Ikea and Costco today, or show you a picture of the new coffee mugs I bought. I could tell you about the traffic I was stuck in earlier this evening, or talk about how nasty rainy the weather was tonight. I have just about a million things I could write about... Oh, but let's get to the real reason we are here today, shall we?  It's Time to Announce the Winner of my  "Happy Day Give-Away!"  Yes, I've plugged in the names of those who left a comment on the give-away post in that handy dandy little site . . . hit the button to put them in random order . . . and here she is . . .   Congratulations Jen!!!   Here is what Jen said in her comment . . .  Oh, I think she sounds just lovely, don't you?  Jen, I am so excited that you wi...

Taking My Breath Away

There are moments in this life when I feel the breath actually come out of my body. When I gasp, and have to inhale deeply, then hold it for a few seconds as the air fills my soul. Moments when I stop, FOCUS, and actually feel my place in the universe. Moments when I am not bothered by the hustle and bustle and chaos of life around me. Moments when I can stop it all . . . and just . . . BE. As part of my "Word of the Year", FOCUS , I am doing a great deal of that lately. These moments, the ones that take my breath away, are so important right now. They are exactly what I need. Moments like . . .  . . . when I am driving down my favorite road and I look at the beauty around me. Even in freezing temperatures and on cloudy days, the snow covered trees looked painted on by the angels in heaven, and it took my breath away. What a beautiful world.         . . . when I catch a tender moment between a man and his daughters, it takes my breath...

A Happy Day & A Give Away!

Oh, what a Happy Day, my friends!!! The weather is crazy here in Chicago . . . we're talking CRAZY. I've been stuck in the house for about three days now. (Did I mention, WITH MY CHILDREN?) And right now, they are driving me about as crazy as the weather is. PG is on a business trip, and I'm starving for some adult conversation and creative time. I did manage to do some major organizing of my art studio today, hence the give-away (which I'll get to in a minute). But before that, I have to tell you about something absolutely fantabulous! Today IS a happy day . . . because a dear friend of mine wrote a book!! Did I tell you? Of course I didn't. Not yet. Because I didn't have it in my hot little hands yet. But I do now, my friends. I have the book. The very book that my dear friend wrote. MY friend. It just arrived late last night, and I just opened it. I can tell, already, that it is going to be fantabulous (which is sort of a joint "fantastic" and...

Downton Day!

                          For those of you who may not be a Facebook friend, a little Annalee for the soul . . . because it is, after all, Downton Abbey day in the U.S.A.! (No, there is no 'official' Downton Abbey Day that I am aware of - but it is the beginning of airing season 4 for those of us in the states.) I never quite understood why the U.S. is so far behind in airing the show from when it originally appears in England. I think it is just their way of punishing us for crossing over the pond those hundreds of years ago. ;)  Whatever the case may be, the DVR is set, and I have plans to have the girls in bed promptly at 8pm tonight . . . when I will be transported to a world so very unlike my own. I am a huge fan of period movies and shows (any period piece, really, from the renaissance times, to the 1950's), and Downton Abbey truly fits the bill! Transporting to a distant land and another time is greatly welcome...

Getting Back to my Roots

No, no . . . dear friends, I am not  talking about letting the grays go el'natural on the hair coloring end of life. But thanks for thinking that! This is so much more than that. This is about life. Me. And Focus. You haven't forgotten that little 'Word of the Year' thing yet, have you? Focus. So, I'm doing that. A lot of it. The first thing I wanted to really focus on, was my writing. Here. On this blog. Last year was a pathetic attempt at writing. Again, with the mind going 100mph - there sure were opportunities of great thought coming in, but none of them stayed long enough to make it to the screen. So this week I wanted to really take a look at what kept me away from the blog. Why did my writing decline so much in 2013? What pulled me from something that meant so much to me for so very very long. It was simple . . . really. I think some where along my Blogland adventure last year, I tried to be something that I just wasn't. You under...

New Year . . . New Word!

Happy New Year, dear friends, and oh-how-glad I am that it is here! 2014 . . . I welcome you with arms wide open! Those of you who have followed me for some time know that I am really into the whole " Word of the Year " or " One Little Word " idea - having a word that sums up what you want for yourself in the new year. Since 2008, I've been strongly guided by a word each and every year. Peace, balance, create, believe,  courage, and flourish . . . these words, together, make up the sum of me. When I read through my list of past words, I am reminded of how each of them pushed me when I no longer had the drive to push myself. They have helped me try to remain true to my core. So this year, I'm choosing another word to help guide me in my life - day in and day out.  Words . . . how very powerful they can be.  My word usually finds me in mid-December, just when the hustle and bustle of the holiday season starts to really get to me. This year, my word didn't ...