The Real Value of Love

My girls love to play those sort of "Q&A" games, where we ask each other questions and wait patiently for our answer. "What's your favorite Ice Cream? What do you want to be when you grow up? What's the one favorite 'thing' of yours you would grab if we had a fire in the house? What makes you really really happy? Which One Direction guy is your favorite? " sort of questions. I love when we play those games, too. It is a great way to really learn about my girls. I like to think I know everything about them . . . but when we start playing our Q&A game, I realize just how much I don't know. It makes me happy to learn their likes and dislikes, their thoughts and ideas. I like when the questions really get me thinking for my own answers. Things I don't often stop long enough to think about have to be answered when there are little ears waiting for a reply. For example . . . our favorite possessions. I know that Katie...