Having my Cake . . . and Eating it, too!
It's so strange how the universe works.
Like, CRAZY strange.
And I love it. Every stinking bit of it. Really. The good, and the bad parts of it.
My friends . . . I got the job. The job I was telling you about earlier in the week. The for real 'wake up and go to an office' sort of job. The job that will deposit funds into my bank account every two weeks (insert cheer of 'yay!' here). The job that will help ignite some old skills, dust of some insurance knowledge, and allow me to exceed in a field that I know I can handle.
Yes, I got the job.
But back to the universe.
I love it.
A few years ago, for those of you who may not be familiar with my story, I worked in health care - in health insurance, specifically. I have actually held a job in health care, in one way or another, since I was 16. And since I am not one to hide my age . . . that was about 27 years ago.
I did well in health care - working my way up from one position to another, and settling finally in health insurance. Managed care. HMO's. All of that.
My passions weren't necessarily filled, but I was good at what I was doing, I had earned the respect of my bosses and peers, and I worked hard.
Three years ago, for those of you that remember - yes, it has been three years - the company I was working for closed it's Chicago office and I found myself (for truly the first time in my adult life) unemployed.
I went through periods of depression and stress, worry and regret, fear and uncertainty.
It was rough.
But I found my way through it - and in the process, found myself again . . . in art.
To make a long story short - I threw myself into making art. All kinds of it, but mostly mixed media. I found opportunities to teach classes at some park districts - started to turn my art into different products and gifts - started selling my goods at Art & Craft fairs. Followed my dreams living a creative life. And being a full-time Mom.
It's been an awesome couple of years.
But in the back of my head, there has been this unsettled feeling and worry that I just couldn't get a hold of. Maybe it was guilt. Guilt for not contributing more financially to our family. Oh, I know - I know - I know that I contribute in ways so very important and necessary (I have already gone through all that therapy to help me realize that). But, still.
Fast forward to last week . . . poor Ella had a lingering cough and cold that wasn't getting better. So I called our pediatricians office and asked if I could bring her in. (Quick sidebar: Many many moons ago, the company I worked for worked directly with this pediatric group - so I have know these doctors for many years - first as a business acquaintance, and then as a patient. The head of the group only works a couple days a week now, so I don't often see him. Even this day, we saw one of the associates. But as we were leaving, we ran into THE head of the group - who I absolutely adore.)
I was greeted with a great big hug from him, and those magic words followed . . . "Hey, do you want a job?" Within seconds later, I was escorted into his office managers office and discussion ensued.
And it felt . . . right.
A year ago, I wasn't there. I didn't see how I could go back to work and do it all.
But now, it just feels right.
I can't tell you why. But I think it is so cool that I have been to the office so many times in the past few years, but something on THIS day made it happen. THIS day, the question was asked. THIS day, it just worked.
That's the Universe.
A year ago, I thought that there was no way that I could work and do my art.
Today, I am not worried about it. I will make it work. I am not about to give up my passion (art). But I am so looking forward to having a purpose other than here (home). I am looking forward to making some money - for kids braces and swimming clubs, for a new car (if the time comes) or college funds. For . . . us. Our home. Our family.
And that feels so good.
There is something different that you feel when a job just happens like this.
It's really cool.
So today, the offer was officially made, and accepted. It will be three days a week, and the start date and days I'll be working are still to be determined - but it will be after December 1st (so I can meet all my Art commitments). I can STILL teach all the classes I have planned for the the remainder of this year, and STILL plan on teaching next year. It really is the best of both worlds.
Like having my cake, and eating it, too.
Yes, life is good.
Here's hoping it is good for you, too.
xo xo
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