Sunday Thankful Moment . . . . oh, and CHRISTMAS!!!!

Ok - I can't wait any longer! I am bursting at the seams with Christmas SPIRIT!!! The tree is going up today (yes, TODAY!!!) and I am having a wonderful day at home with my family.

So today, I am thankful for LIFE.

I am thankful for waking up, for Starbucks coffee and laughing little girls, for a husband who makes me laugh many many times every single day, for a loving home, for a mother who still tries to take care of me, for Christmas music and decorations, for art and being able to express myself in so many forms and ways, for a great sister who understands my craziness and still loves me, for a mother-in-law/co-worker who I can call my friend, for another mother-in-law who helps me at every turn, for lavender lotion, for Costco, for Mucinex and for going to sleep at 9:00pm, for days off with the family, for new internet friends (Hi Kiki! and Scrapwordsmom!) and great longtime old friends (Kath, Karen, Cindi and Pam), for baby dolls and fuzzy blankies, for twinkle lights and magic moments, for snuggle time and hearing "I love you", for grilled cheese sandwiches and hummus . . . these are just a few of the things that have been making up my life this weekend . . . and these are a few of the things I am most thankful for. And yes, what a great life it is!

Oh, and yes, since the Christmas tree is going up this weekend - I felt it was appropriate to update the blog to a Christmas theme. To me - it really is the most wonderful time of the year, and I just couldn't wait to get it started.

And one more thing . . . . if you read my "Men need rest and yadda yadda yadda" post from Thursday night (click here to get to it), I'll ask to you to please read the "ADDED NOTE" that I put in there. I felt the need to update that post, since my PG really came through the next day!!! Just another thing to be grateful for! ; )

So, what are some things of your day to day life that you are grateful for? I'd love to know.


  1. Okay, seriously...we need to talk!! You haven't even had your turkey dinner and you're celebrating Christmas!! Although you have reminded me that I haven't posted my "thankfulness" comment on FB in a couple of days. So I'll get right on it!!

  2. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your BLOG!! I'm all Christmasy now, too. I couldn't wait!! I actually saw this one at the Cutest Blog and thought of you!! Since you said you love Christmas...I figured I would love this one!!:)

    My DH made an announcement just know (he said) we carve pumpkins at Halloween...this year let's make an ornament! So Thanksgiving week we are going to create family ornaments. I LOVE that!!:)

    I am so thankful that I'm a Mom and a wife and I love taking care of my familly!!!:)


  3. I figured you would love this one...I said "I"!! LOL!

  4. Hello! And I hope you and your family have a wonderful and restful Thanksgiving!


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