Is It LIFE . . . or an ADVENTURE?

The other day driving home from work I listened to this really cool interview on NPR with Rev Gregory Boyle. I was so inspired by his story, and the calm manner in which he spoke found me focusing on each and every word he said. If you are not familiar with him, he is a Jesuit priest who started Homeboy Industries, a gang intervention program in East LA, which assists members who are looking for a way to leave the streets. To me, Rev Boyle is one remarkable human being.

He wrote this book: Tattoos on the Heart - The Power of Boundless Compassion, which I am going to add to my summer reading list. It's not the usual book I would select for my summer reading (which usually consists of historical fiction, or chick-flick books - you know, those books turned into chick flicks), but his story was so amazing that I want to learn more.

During the interview, the journalist asked if Rev Boyle ever thought this is what he would be doing in his life. He replied, ".... who knows what I thought this life would be when I began this adventure?" That line has been on my mind since last week. This Adventure. What a fantastic way to look at it ... LIFE, that is. As an adventure. I've been thinking alot about that. Am I living LIFE? Or am I living an ADVENTURE?

I decided ... hands down ... I AM LIVING AN ADVENTURE.

This week, I have many ADVENTURES going on:
  1. Designed my very first ever CUSTOM blog header and button for someone other than myself (Yippie!)
  2. Have been working 2 days in a non-air conditioned office in 90 degree weather (Yikes! Our Landlord has promised to have it fixed today! Keep your fingers crossed for me!)
  3. Am getting the hair cut to a new and fancy style ... time for a change (again!)
  4. Had a SURPRISE Birthday massage, pedicure and manicure
  5. Designed my "Get Our Of Crankville Free" cards
  6. Have been spending alot of time with this book (recommended by blog friend Les!)
  7. Sent a special Give-Away present to Anna - and had SO MUCH FUN putting it together
  8. Did Laundry (which was a big deal - since I've been on strike, you know!)
  9. Reminded a dear friend that "There is no age in the heart of true Friends!" ; )
  10. Am packing the bags for a wonderful adventure in Washington DC with PG (we are even going on a tour of the White House and the Capitol!!! What an adventure!!!)
So, I ask you ... what ADVENTURES are you LIVING this week?
I'd love to know!
(You can read the transcript from the NPR interview here: Fresh Air with Terry Gross - Interview with Rev Boyle)


  1. Visiting from LBS. What a great attitude!! I have a blog called Everyday Bliss but I almost called it Everyday Adventures!! I love this!

    What adventures am I living this week? Creating a fabulous romantic surprise for my sweetie, planting a garden and buying a worm farm! Entertaining the MOST curious happy three year old on the planet!

    Kathy over at Everyday Bliss

  2. I love the idea of living an adventure (love NPR in my car too!) and it's so cool that you made a list of yours. How exciting that you got to design for someone else! Yay! What a great way to look at life. I'd say a few of mine for this week would be working on my collage journal, spending the day with my husband yesterday since he decided to call in 'well', changing the litter box (always an adventure) and repotting the azaleas I got for Mother's Day (definitely an adventure!). And I'm so excited about getting my present from you! I'll have to do a virtual chick flick night when it comes!

  3. Can I add an extra week and say that my adventure is getting through these last couple of weeks of preschool.

    I'll soon be singing, "Schools out for the Summer!!"

    My word verification is, 'skychick'
    Hmmm, now that sounds adventurous!

  4. I listened to the same interview and was so impressed!

    My adventure starts today! I am officially out of school!

  5. Oh adventures...let's see...had a big birthday bash at our house for my dear mom. That makes 3X this week that we've eaten steak. I think that is pretty adventurous..don't you?? Loved your post. So glad you found I in turn found you!! Sounds like we have a lot in common. Even your header made me smile!! I'll have to go give that interview a listen!

    p.s. Isn't Bossy Betty just a gem?!

  6. Thank you for your LOVELY comment on my blog. And no, it is never wrong to bring more love into the world.

    I love your adventures. I think I should do the strike on the laundry thing.

    I would have to say my biggest adventure would be trying to get my novel out into the world of publishing. I'm about to do that, so I'm holding my breath and getting ready to jump!

  7. I thought you'd get a kick out of that! ;) BTW, almost all of my rings have that adjustable band so keep looking!! ;)

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