Don't let this happen

A friend of mine posted this quote on Facebook this week, and the moment I read it - it was as if a stadium of people stood up in my head and cheered, "YES!" and "THIS!" and "BRAVOOO!", each exclamation repeating over and over in my head as I read and re-read the quote all week long. Written by the most brilliant and giftedly insightful Anne Lamott, it sort of became my instant mantra . . . so much so, that I immediately shared it with my Facebook friends.
I can imagine a large art piece with this very quote hanging on a wall in our home. . . not that I want to entertain visitors with thoughts of my jiggly thighs or comfortable tummy . . . but because the meaning behind it all is so damn near perfect.

"Don't let that happen," she tells us.

"Don't forget to live that big, juicy, creative life."


I think it is so fitting for me right now, because at some point during the last year - I think I forgot.


Can you imagine?

Somewhere along the way, I lost sight of it - that big, juicy creative life I was living. Somewhere along the way, I got a little serious. I stopped laughing at my husbands jokes, I started 'shhh-ing' my daughters when they were having a tickle contest, and starting looking forward to the time when I could fall asleep - instead of finding joy in being awake. I starting stressing over what this one or that one said, instead of telling those very people to keep their toxic thoughts to themselves. Somewhere along the way, I stopped writing from my heart and lost my words. I worried more about what others might "think", instead of being honest with my own self. Somewhere along the way, I feel like I lost my TRUTH. Who I wanted to be. What my wish was.

Oh, I know what happened. And it's not that it was a bad thing. It was just that 'life' got in my way. It happens to us all - when we focus so much on the day to day stuff (the job, the house, the spouse, the kids, the bills, the holidays, the cooking, the cleaning, the . . . living . . . ), that it becomes easier to move our true self and our dreams to the back burner, often times turning the heat 'off' and waiting for a more convenient time to start the fire again. They sit back there and get a little cold - and patiently wait for an Anne Lamott quote, perhaps, to warm them up again.

But when the fire starts . . . it feels so good. It's like a wake up call. Like a, "Hello!! Remember me? Your creative soul? Yep - I'm here!!"

So, I kind of feel like I am re-focusing this week - like a sort of re-birth. Because Lord knows, I don't want to be 65 or 75 and wake up some day to realize that I spent my life focused on things like perfectionism or people-pleasing.


I don't want that . . . at all.

So, for now, I am listening to the cheers in my head, and taking a big step in the right direction.

And as always, I thank YOU for being with me along the way.

Peace, my friends.
xo xo


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you SO much for reading!! That quote truly was like an earthquake for me . . . I just think it is perfect. I am so grateful for your comment, as well! Hugs!

  2. Oh how this post makes my heart soar!! I'm always so thrilled when you come back to honor your creative self! Because you truly are one very gifted lady whose work does inspire others. Love you!! Welcome back!!

  3. Replies
    1. It's it amazing how we fall into that trap of just 'living' but not really "LIVING"?!?!?! Hope the quote and post help you find your creative self!! I'm a work in progress, of course . . . but feel GOOD today. REALLY good! Hugs, friend.

  4. Seems to be a lot of this going around! Beautiful post. I've been feeling the same way lately. Your blog redo looks great!

  5. Oh, I love this, my sweet, beautiful, creative friend!! :) Just perfect for our hearts and souls! Yes, life can sure zap our creative energy and make it feel oh, so hard to let it our light shine. But, that's in there ~ and SHINE it will...whether it's a fabulous quote such as this one, a sweet nudge from a friend, or a little hello that somehow makes us stop and realize we need to keep breathing life into this very light that gives us such JOY when we nurture it! :) Thank you for sharing this and your heart ~ I've been finding my way back, too. Life has tried oh, so hard to make it a bit hard, but this chick is gonna keep on, keepin' on!! :) And, I love that you are, too! Hugs!! *And, I love your blog redo! Fabulous!

  6. Holy hell, that is an incredible quote and I hope to buddha that I never lose sight of that big beautiful creative life in my quest for evasive perfection. I needed this. Thank you so much for sharing :)

  7. All I can say to that quote is Wow. Very powerful. Needed to read that.

    1. I am so grateful you stopped by today, my friend, and found this quote waiting for you. It is so perfect, isn't it? Hope it gives you all you need today to be true to all your dreams!!!!


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