
Today, I remember.

To those who didn't see it coming . . . whose lives were forced to end so suddenly . . . 
you will forever be in my heart and in my prayers.
I am eternally grateful for the sacrifice you were forced to make on that day,
and I am forever changed by your absence from our world.

Like so many of you, today I am thinking of all of those whose lives were lost,
or drastically changed, 9 years ago.

Image from Newseum in Washington D.C. of what was left of the antenna from one of the WTC buildings.
May we all stop and think about what we felt on this day not so long ago.
May we remember the feelings we had the days following and
how we united as a nation and as a people.

And someday,
may we,
our children
and our childrens children,
live in a world of peace.

I am wishing you peace today, dear friend.


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