O'Holy Night

I watched little Ella drift gently off to sleep last night. The warm glow from her little Christmas tree lit up her precious face. As the soft voice of Celine Dion sang "O'Holy Night" over her CD player, I knelt down next to my 3 year olds bed and gently stroked her face as she drifted off to lullaby land. Time stood still for a few minutes, I'm sure of it, and a sense of peace fell over me. As her eyes lids fell deeper and deeper into a sleepy state, the corners of her little mouth curved up to show the sweetest little grin. It was then that I knew she had found the sugar plums in her dreams. I know that this would be a bad habit to start with her, the whole "watching her sleep" routine. But something about this week had me yearning for these few gentle minutes. Maybe it was the howl of the wind I heard echo through the 2nd floor of our home. Perhaps it was the pitter-patter of rain drops falling on her window. Or maybe it was the fac...