Never Letting Go

I've been watching the top of a bush in my neighbors yard for days now . . . holding my breath . . . watching . . . and waiting . . . and watching.

It's kind of turned into a little game I play with myself. Every morning when I open the blinds in my kitchen, I look for any changes.

And for the past 8 days . . . nothing.

Just me and the tree.

And these 5 little leaves that just won't let go.

Winter is right around the corner here in Chicago. I've been raking leaves for weeks now, and the whole "batten down the hatches" to our outdoor summer life. The patio table is put away, along with all of the outdoor toys. Most trees on our block have lost their leaves already, and 10 houses in the neighborhood put their Christmas lights up this past weekend.

Yet this little bush in the corner of my neighbors yard just can't seem to let go. We've had windy windy days and rainy down pours, but these 5 little leaves still hold on tight. After a particularly windy night a few days ago, I was sure I'd wake to find the leaves had finally given up their fight, but nope. When the morning came, there they were, still attached to the branches. Never letting go.

It makes me think about my own life, and how part of me really understands the need to hold on.

Like those moments when sweet little Ella will stop running around just long enough for a hug from me. Or those times when dear Katie will ask for a special "Mommy and Katie" day with just the two of us. Or when I hear laughter coming from both of them when they are having fun together. These are moments that I wish would go one forever, and that would never let go.

But it seems the days are going by faster and faster each year. I see my daughters growing and changing just as fast as the clock is ticking. And while I am so in love with who they are becoming . . . I am so scared that some day they'll be leaving home, starting their very own adventures and stories.

Oh, how I wish I could hold on to them forever . . . and never let them go.

But I guess all the leaves must fly away, when the time comes.


  1. I love how you tied this in with that ever hopeful tree. We are like that aren't we? Resisting the change until we really can't anymore. Time flies by way too fast these days. Enjoy your girls Leanne! Have a wonderful week :)

  2. Those leaves are hanging on because they are probably the youngest of all the leaves. So they are right where they should be for now!

  3. I always love how you find stories in everything. You look at the world with a true writer's eye. There is a lesson in nearly everything if we really look hard enough and I LOVE this lesson, Leanne. I can just see you peeking out your window to see how those leaves are doing!!!

    Time does move too, too quickly. My life is changing so rapidly. It seems when your kids enter the teen years it can change daily. They have so many activities and they are becoming their own people. The need for Mom and Dad time dwindles. This has been the hardest time in my life yet...kind of a neat time, too. Watching them grow, going to their games and plays and listening to them experience life. All very good stuff:)

    Okay...I am about 8 hours from you, maybe a bit longer!! We could soooooo meet halfway!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. What a great post. We've been talking about how quickly time goes by latley around the Fromage house, working on trying to embrace on the here and now. Thanks for the well written reminder!

  5. Beautifully written. I loved it.

  6. Yes your little leaves will fly away all too soon but they will still give you pleasure :)
    I hate the thought that Christmas lights are up already, so much commercialism spoils the meaning for me.

  7. Holding on and letting go. So hard to know when to do both. There is an imperative in both. I suppose that for both of these you have to open up your heart and listen and trust so that you know when to grab tight and dig in and when to open your hands and allow yourself release.

  8. I couldn't have said it better myself. This is lovely Leanne. Oh and thank you so much for thinking of me.

  9. Am I crazy that I find myself rooting for those leaves? Go guys, GO!

  10. Sweet story! I'm with Liz...those poor little leaves need to give in and fly and be free...


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