I'm Older than I've Ever Been . . .

A few years ago I went to Bed, Bath & Beyond and bought one of those magnifying make-up mirrors with the additional light feature, so that I could SEE very clearly what I was doing when putting my make-up on. This past weekend, I wished that I didn't have the large magnifying mirror. I'm kind of wishing that I put my make-up on by way of candle light and small compact mirror. Even smaller than compact mirror. More like those little tubes of lipstick that have a small rectangular mirror on them. Yes, that is the mirror I wish I used to put my make-up on. Because, my dear friends, I am getting older.
Ok, so I can hear you saying, "No, your not!" and "You look fine!" and all those wonderful things that good friends say to each other to cheer themselves up. But the truth . . . and the mirror . . . do not lie . . . I am getting older.
I have wrinkles in places that I never had before, and there are little hairs growing out of places on my face where little hairs just shouldn't grow. My forehead looks like Ella played connect-the-dots on top of it and drew 5 lines straight across it. Those lines are wrinkles. And I have these tiny little frown wrinkles that are starting to appear in the corners of my mouth. Which surprises me, because I really don't frown that often. But the truth of the fact is . . . I am getting older.
Maybe I've watched too many of those "Real Housewives of Orange County/New Jersey/New York" shows. . . I mean, is botox really the answer? I never thought so - but believe me, if someone had a needle of that stuff this past weekend (when I was looking in the mirror), I may have taken a little pinch or two in the forehead. (By the way - I have sworn off those "Real Housewives" shows and don't watch them anymore. They were my one vice. Now, my addiction to Starbucks coffee is my vice, and the shows are no longer tivo'd. Who needs to see how those "Real Housewives" live, anyway?) Anyway - botox is not the answer for me. I guess I am just getting older.
It's not just the wrinkles. It's a number of things. No longer do I find it fun or exciting to stay up until 3am with the one I love - I'd rather be in bed by 9pm. No longer do I find that I am blasting music in the car - I find that I'm listening to NPR and talk radio more these days. No longer do I look at high-heels as a sexy shoe - I feel instant pain just looking at a pair of heels and would much rather wear something more comfortable. And this past week Santa brought Katie a Nintendo DS - I don't have a CLUE how to use it. Oh, and Reading?? Well, while I greatly enjoy it, I find that lately I am adjusting the book and my head at various angles and distances just to SEE the words on the page. Yes, I am getting older.
So, in the New Year, I am going to Challenge myself to NOT get TOO old. First off - moisturizing will become a new skin care regimen for me (yes, I know, I've neglected my skin too long). Secondly - I'm going into the CITY with my husband in a couple weeks for a lovely overnight, and I'm going to challenge myself to NOT be in the hotel by 10pm and try to "live it up" a little. Maybe dancing or something? I am also going to turn the talk-radio OFF and listen to some music that really moves me. As far as the high-heels, well - that might be a health and safety issue, so I might not be able to wear those right now. But maybe I could find something CUTE and trendy to wear. You see, I am going to make it my resolution to do SOMETHING that is not OLD and that will keep me younger . . . Younger than I have been lately . . . at least!
Ok, first of all, why did you buy that magnifying mirror?? lol I avoid the mirror at all costs!! hahaha but secondly...I think there is a profound beauty in getting older, don't you? I wouldn't want to go back to any age I've been... I am happier now with a fuller, richer life.. (and a similar Starbucks addiction!!) so all that to say... you are not alone!
ReplyDeleteThanks for stopping by my blog!! You ARE an artist!! :) And it's okay to say so!! :)
ReplyDelete1) Re: skin care -- I just happen to know a BeautiControl semi-consultant who can help you with your new resolve.
2) So glad you dumped the Real Housewives (they really weren't real anyways).
3) You may be getting older, but what's also "maturing" is your inner beauty - and that's what people are attracted to so much more.
4) Frown lines? I doubt it, but even so, it gives you more reason to concentrate on smiling. Hmmm.. I'm thinking that "a smile is just a frown turned upside down" also applies to smile/frown lines. So just change your perspective...they aren't frown lines, they are smile lines.
5) Without getting vulgar, you know what I have to say about those "sexy" shoes. Sensible is sexy.
6) When your kids can come back and teach YOU something, that just helps them grow. So by not knowing anything about KJ's DS, you are helping your daughter to grow.
7) Lastly, my dear, dear friend, you will never, ever be TOO old. You have such a joy of life, that it just enhances your beauty, your energy, your life. People WANT to be around you for how you make them feel. And that is only possible because of where you are in your life, right this minute.
So don't view each day as another tick mark in your chronological calendar. Instead, embrace the opportunities you've been given to enrich others' lives. Cuz you're so damn good at that!!! Hugs!!
Another fun post. I'm with you...no more getting older. It's time to have fun, to dress hip and to look fabulous!! Here's to being young ( not matter how old we feel, right?)Ha!