Introducing. . . My Word for 2010!

I've finally come up with My Word for 2010.

It's taken me a little while to decide on it. My initial thought was to choose the word patience, because I feel that is a trait I need to work on. However, I finally decided that there is another word out there that really speaks to me right now. One that moves me. One that I need right now. And while patience is something that I want to strive for, I think there is something more inside of me right now that needs urging. So, in the New Year, I will am going to spend my time focusing on the word . . .

1: to bring into existence
2 a: to invest with a new form, office or rank > b: to produce or bring about by a course of action or behavior
3: cause, occasion
4 a: to produce through imaginative skill > b: design

What a word! I have this feeling inside that I am going to try and unleash in 2010. I have these dreams and ideas that I want to grow. I want to create art. I want to create stories. I want to create photographs. I want to create wonderful spaces where my children can play and dream and grow and thrive. I want to create paintings that will inspire others. I want to create sentences, one after another, that will make people smile and laugh out loud. I want to create delicious meals and yummy desserts. I want to create adventures and experiences I've never had before. I want to create a home filled with laughter and peace, an environment that welcomes strangers and encourages friendships. I want to create. All year long.

So, My Word for 2010. CREATE.

And I hope to share my journey with you. We'll have much fun together. Happy New Year, dear friend! May we all create a Wonderful Year for ourselves!

p.s. To inspire YOU to come up with a 2010 word - check out the blogs of two very dear friends, Peggy and Cindi, here and here. Let's see what they are inspiring for the New Year.

p.s.s. My "Create" wordle collage was "created" at Go there and make your own! It's FUN!


  1. LOVE the word. Love the wordle creation. Such a good start!!!!
    Here's to 2010 and CREATING!!!

  2. Oh, I love your word!! I, too plan on creating much this year. Can't wait to share each others creations!!:)


  3. Ack. Leanne! I'm trying desperately to post a wordle image on my blog after seeing it here but I can't get the image to show, just the code shows up. Help?

    Oh, and it's ;) had to search for it. Love your wordle and your blog!

  4. Woops. I finally got it I guess. LOL But it's teeny. Did you do a screenshot and resize yours?

  5. What a great choice! I look forward to seeing where it takes you - knowing you, we can expect to see some amazing things!

  6. And in honor of that fantastic word, I think I have just thing to give you a daily reminder... :-)


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