My #1 Hot Mess Ella

Lordy, Lordy, I pray for the teacher who gets my Ella.

You know Ella. This Ella ...
... who swore there wasn't any paint on her face. She's a Hot Mess!

And this Ella ...
... who really prefers to do all her reading with her glasses on. Yep, a Hot Mess!

And this Ella ...
... who heard there was a "smurf" movie coming out, and felt she would be best for the female lead. Oh, a Hot Mess she is!

Oh, yes, and the Ella who did this ...
... because she "was hungry" (side note: I really do feed my children! I promise.) Yes, that's my Hot Mess.

Then there is this Ella ...
... always making me laugh ...

and this Ella ...
... that darn marker again. I like how she has a spare on the couch next to her, just in case the first one didn't quite work well enough for her.

Yes, that's my Ella, my little Hot Mess!

And, yes, my Ella will be starting preschool in September. Three 1/2 days a week, she will be under the care and guidance of another. I am both grateful, and concerned, over this.

Oh, let me clarify. It's not that I'm going to have the "oh - how can I let my baby go?" breakdown that I've only read about. No . . . my concern is something completely different. The concern of getting that look from the teacher when I go to pick her up after her first week. You know that look. The one that says, "Oh, you're ELLA'S MOTHER. Well, that explains EVERYTHING."

You see, Ella is my . .. .  Hot Mess.

Yesterday, as I stood at the kitchen sink washing some dishes, I heard Ella walking up the stairs from the family room. "Damn It!" she said loudly, as she dropped one of her toys on the way up.

"Ella, what did you just say?" I asked (which, alone, is a really stupid thing to ask the child who has just uttered the curse word. I mean, do I really want her to repeat it? NO. Why do I ask her what she just said? augh!)

"Nothing, Mommy," she answered.

"Ella, WE do not say that word in our house. That is a bad word and Mommy doesn't like to hear you say such a word." I reply, which is obviously a lie, I mean - we must say that word in our house. Where else would she have heard that word. You see, I get it. I really do. But Ella, my Hot Mess, settled it.

"Mommy, WE did not say that word. I said that word," she answered.


She's 3 1/2.

And a Hot Mess, yes she is! But, she's MY Hot Mess! And I wouldn't have her any other way.

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This post is linked to Word Up, Yo!


  1. And what a cute and wonderful hot mess she is! Loved these pictures!!!

  2. Too funny! Stopped by from Word Up, Yo!

    (BTW, that butter thing could have happened in my house. Butter was it's own food group for many years here!)

    Happy rest of the weekend!

  3. HAAAAA!!! It is probably wrong that I am laughing this hard!!!! I LOVE it! ;)

  4. Just dropped in from Lady Blogger's Tea Party and I have to say - Love this! I have my own Hot Mess at home who will also be entering PreK in just a few short weeks (although I like to call her my Wild Child...)

    Trust me when I say I am dreading the look you mentioned from her teacher- I just know I will be called to the school more often than not!

    You've certainly got a new follower in me :)

  5. it's amazing how many girls under the age of 6 are hot messes. I have one, too.

  6. Why do we mothers keep buying them damn markers...opps sorry I said that word. She is soo stinking cute, even with the blue face and the smart potty mouth.

  7. She is a cute little hot mess...she must keep you on your toes. I've got my own little one here...almost 3 and a mind of her own!

  8. My Hot Mess daughters are all grown up...but I so remember those days! Thanks for the memories!

  9. Don't you just love it when your kids are smarter than you think they are?

    :-) She is a cute little Hot Mess. I'm thinking you need a shotgun at the front door for when the boys start callin too!

  10. Oh my goodness! What a firecracker you've got on your hands! I loved reading this post about your "hot mess".

    Thanks for commenting and following my blog as well!

    Loving The Reflection

  11. I think your Ella (aka Hot Mess) and my niece Autumn (aka Wild Child) would be the best of friends, or excellent cell mates.. not sure which!

    PS - My sister has the same fears. Auttie starts school in 2 weeks (Pre K) and she is a little concerned. lol

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Just stopped in from the Word Up, Yo! and I totally did the same thing with the Magic Markers, only on my skin. I was about her age, too.

  14. Oh my you have a live one there!
    She sounds like my little Beagle, I might have to start calling him a Hot Mess from now on!

    She's going to do great in Preschool. Coming from a preschool teacher, I like Hot Messes, they keep things lively!

  15. What a cute Hot Mess she is!!:) LOL!

    Love it...especially the "Damn it" part....too funny!

  16. I wondered the same thing when my daughter started preschool. Fortunately, her teacher is a saint, and we get comments like "Your daughter brings so much spirit to our class."

    She is a cutie, that little hot mess of yours!

  17. Awwww . . . she's the most adorable hot mess ever. I love that she said, "we didn't say it, I did" She sounds very bright.

  18. I have a hot mess of my own...good thing Jules and Ella don;t live closer can you imagine the hotness!?

  19. What a cutie she is, Hot Mess or not!

  20. I have a feeling if she keeps correcting you like that, that WE will be saying damn it soon.

    But she's so gosh darn cute! The teacher will have to love her.


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