31 Days. Write. Create. Be.

Here I go ... off on a creative adventure!

Where will it lead? I have no idea. What will I do? That, too, remains to be unknown.

Will I share it with you? Well, like most of my life, yes.

I'm joining dear Leslie over at Words of Me Project on

"31 Days: write. create. be."

What am I hoping for? That I will actually allow myself a little bit of time, every single 31 days, to create SOMETHING. It could be spent taking an extra special photo, or creating a special picture with my kids crayons and markers. Whatever it is, I am hoping that I find some time to connect with my creative soul that often gets placed on the back burner during the day to day chaos of this life. You might remember back to the beginning of the year, when I introduced my 2010 Word of the Year (CREATE), I was all gung-ho to spend the year doing just that - CREATING. But, unfortunately, I have fallen quite short in the Create Department. With Leslie's encouragement and inspiration, I'm moving that part of me front and center (well, for minimum of 15 minutes a day) and doing something that I LOVE! It's too bad that I need a blog challenge to kick it into gear, but I'll take the motivation from any where I can find it! 

My hope is to end each day with my creative story of the day. Don't forget to click on the 31 Days button on my right sidebar to connect to Leslie's inspiration (she's so great!). And one more thing - if you are not the creative type, please still stop for your regular visit. I promise to make these 31 posts what they always are ... about life.  I won't bore you photos of macrame hangers or plastic canvas items. (Wait . . . I already did bore you with a couple plastic canvas posts, didn't I? Oh, sorry about that.)

See you later!


  1. Leanne, you will do great at this Challenge!! I am proud of you for committing to your creativity. Ella and Katie will have fun, too:)

  2. You go girl! Can't wait so see what you create!

  3. cool, girl! Can't wait to see what you come up with!

  4. cool, girl! Can't wait to see what you come up with!

  5. Hey, way to go! This sounds like a great idea, and I look forward to reading your posts!

  6. You go, baby. Keep going even if it gets tough and scary too! It's the only way to really get through to your real feelings.

  7. I can't wait to see it! You'll be awesome I know. And these creative challenges are a great way to get going. I'm always signing up for them too and it really helps me focus. Yay! Love the background and banner update btw.

  8. You are a better woman then I. But I sure look forward to seeing what you come up with.

  9. Love to see what you create, I just envy people who can write well.

  10. way to go!! I can't wait to see what you have up your sleeve!

  11. SO excited about this challenge!! I REALLY need the jump start!! It couldn't have come at a better time, since I'm working now it's very easy to drop everything else.


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