History of Halloween Costumes - Leanne style

With Halloween swiftly approaching, I thought I would share with you two of my most favorite "grown-up" Halloween Costumes. (Actually, I'm in the midst of trying to organize old photos and just came across these two and thought, "I'm not meant to enjoy these all alone . . . I must put them on my Blog!") So, without further ado, I give you . . . .

Elizabeth Taylor - on the way to the Betty Ford Clinic!!! Now, you can't quite get a good look at the whole thing, and mind you . . . this was probably around 1995 or 96 (when I believe Liz Taylor had been in and out of Betty Ford) - so it probably was a little bit funnier back then. I already wrote briefly about - that is, I told you what happened to me on the way to this party. (Read my old Scrapbook Cellar post to refresh your memory.) Yes, this was the outfit I was wearing when Mr. Officer Man pulled me over for speeding, when I was then prompted to "Step out of your vehicle, Ma'am", and be seen by all the passerbys on 103rd and Central in Oak Lawn . . . . in rush hour. (Yes, I learned my lesson.) What you can't see in the photo is that I have empty pill bottles taped all over the front of my mu-mu, and the black necklace around my neck had an empty bottle of vodka tied to it. (Nope - I did not have the bottle around my neck when the police man pulled me over. Could you imagine trying to explain that one? "I swear I didn't drink this before getting in the car, Mr. Officer Man! Honest!!! The bottle is empty and washed and I didn't have any of it! I swear!!!")

Enough of that one. My next, most favorite "grown-up" costume, includes partnering with my Phil Guy. I give you . . . .

Barbara Bush and Al Gore!!! This was Halloween 2000, when Al Gore was running against George Bush for President. Phil must have heard 100 times during that campaign that he looked like a younger Gore. We had a great party at the Frank Lloyd Wright Home & Studio to attend this year, so we took advantage of his similarity. And, since I look SO MUCH like Barbara Bush (wink), we played it up. Our costumes were a hit! I think we won 2nd Prize to the costume contest at the party. So fun!!!

This year Phil will home for Halloween! He has been out of town for work the past 3 Halloweens - so it is a BIG TREAT that he will be here with the girls. We going to gather as much of the extended family as is available and have a fun party this year - but I haven't come up with my costume yet. Any ideas? ? ?


  1. I remember both of these costumes and they were great!!! Phil Guy looks so YOUNG in the photo (you look the same, which is really a compliment!)


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