My Sanctuary

Shhhhhh . . . . I've got a secret . . .

have a little place I like to go . . . when I need to get away from it all . . . it's a tiny space . . . not far from loved ones . . .
where I can hide away from all of the chaos . . . there are no windows . . . no telephone lines . . . only gentle reminders of a good way to live . . . a positive way of thinking . . . with hopes and dreams . . . like this one . . .

and this one . . .

it's my quiet time space . . . my place to rest and reflect . . . with only one "seat" and a small "desktop". . . it is a tiny tiny place . . . but it's my sanctuary . . . .

Where is this place, you ask?

Yes, it's true.

My bathroom.

And I find that I often visit this space to just get away from screaming children, loud televisions, phones ringing, and blackberries going off. It's my place where I can wash my face, paint my toes, play sudoku, read a book, meditate, pray, all in a quiet (and mostly uninterrupted) space. It may not be the most ideal place, but for where we are in life right now . . . it's the only space in our house that is free of markers and toys, unmatched socks, crumpled receipts and DVDs.

A little space like this is really all I need.

My husband doesn't get it. As a matter of fact, when I added the "Miracle" quote up above, he joked at me saying, "Yeah, so . . . uh . . . What kind of miracles are happening in there?"

No, he doesn't get it. And that's ok. I get it. It is my sanctuary.

And I LOVE it.

Where is your sanctuary?


  1. Hey, everyone needs a sanctuary. Mine used to be in my car, on my way to work...not so much anymore, with my 4 minute commute!! I think the closest I get is my craft room. But still, it's not there yet!! Thanks for the inspiration to move toward it!!

  2. Funny! I love it! I have a chair that I got for $25 dollars as someone was setting up their garage's my fave spot in my otherwise chaotic house.


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