Ok. . . Let's Do It.

Alright . . . . here we go. So, this afternoon I was sitting here at my desk, playing some nonsensical (I love that word) game on Facebook, minding my own business . . . when a dear friend of mine sent me an instant message. It went like this:

She wrote: "Hi"
I wrote: "Hi"
She wrote: "How are you?"
I wrote: "Good. How are you?"
She wrote: "Good. I was wondering if you wanted to try WW with me again?"

And there you have it. . . . WW = Weight Watchers. Try + Again = I've been there before.

For a brief moment, I thought about quickly signing out of Facebook and calling her to tell her that my computer crashed and I didn't get her IM. But then I realized that I would be actually TALKING to her, and she could just ask me the question DIRECTLY . . . on the phone. So, no . . . that wouldn't work.

Then I thought about telling her that I was moving to Yemen (Friends reference, for all you Friends lovers out there), but she lives next door to me. So, no . . . . that wouldn't work either.

Then I thought about all the people in my life who are making positive changes for themselves right now . . . and I thought . . . and I thought. I thought about my family members and other dear friends who are making commitments to exercise, to eat healthier, to loose weight, to turn over a new page and live longer, healthy lives.

Then I remembered all of the souvenirs I collected the last time I was going through WW. And I got mad at myself that I needed to go through this . . . again.

See, the thing is . . . I'm bitter right now. I don't understand why "chubby" can't be healthy. Why cheesecake doesn't provide the same nutritional value as carrots. Why exercise is necessary to loose weight, and why sitting at my desking blogging isn't.

Then I thought about . . . me. My daughters. My husband. My life. I thought about actually becoming the person I feel I am, on the inside. I thought about wanting to go to Europe when I turn 40 (in 2011) and not wanting to be exhausted when doing it. I thought about my jeans . . . and how they don't feel as comfortable on as I'd like them to. I thought about this blog, and how posting this on my blog is probably the most real and honest emotions I could share. And perhaps doing that would truly make me accountable (as if going to a weekly WW meeting and standing on a scale in front of a "stranger" doesn't make me accountable enough). I thought about my dear friend who sent me the IM, who has all the same struggles I have, and who is willing to take a chance on ME and go through the process with ME.

I thought of all of those things. In just a matter of minutes.

I wrote: "I need to do it. Yes, Let's Do it."

So, we are starting the first Thursday in November. "Why Wait?" you ask? Well, it just works out better for us to do it then. So, that's what we decided. But believe me . . . I've already worked through too many thoughts in my head to make the next 2 weeks turn into a food fest for me. I'm there in my mind. It's time. This time. . . I'm doing it for me.

I'll keep you posted.


  1. Good for you, LW!!! When you're brave enough, consider setting up a gadget on the side to help the whole accountability issue. I gotta tell ya...it's one of those itty bitty nudges that you have in the back of your mind. I'm wishing you great success!! Weigh yourself at home today, and start the healthy eating right now!! You'll have a little head start!!

  2. Good for you - why is it so tough for us to take care of ourselves? I try to remind myself that if I don't take care of me, I can't be there for them. Sometimes, it doesn't work and I slip up, but I think the key is forgiving yourself for the past and moving forward. And remember, nobody's perfect, you can't do it all at once, and any small, new 'good habit' is a success! (These are my biggest setback starters). Good luck!


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