The Light of Ella

Every once in a while I have one of those moments when I think to myself, "You know, Phil and I are doing something right." It usually happens at a moment when one of my children does something that just warms my heart so much and when they do something to show what amazingly sweet and kind people they are. I usually follow-up my thought with a, "No, it's not us. These kids are just incredible on their own. They just . . . get it."

Tonight was one of those moments. And while I really don't want to be one of those Mom's who toots her own horn, I really do want to share this moment with you. It has to do with my Ella. (Sigh.) She is such an amazing little girl. She lights my life more than she will ever realize.

Nine of my dear family members gathered for a special New Year's Day dinner at my Mother-in-laws today. We have been doing this for a couple years now, and it really has become a lovely way to welcome the New Year in. My Mother-in-law (who happens to be an AMAZING COOK) put such an incredible meal together for us, and we spent the afternoon and evening laughing, playing charades, playing a 2009 Bingo Game (that my Mother-in-law makes up each year for the previous year), and truly enjoying each other. We laugh so hard, and always leave starting off the New Year in such happiness.

But it was during dinner today that my heart truly melted, and I realized again how so very blessed I am to have this life of mine. My Ella, my little 2 (almost 3 . . . . birthday is January 29th!) year old does this "thing" that just got me. As we sat around the dinner table, she grabbed the hand of the person on each side of her and instructed the rest of us around the table to "Hold Hands!" until we were all united, hand in hand. Ella then smiled and cheered "We're All Family!" and we all repeated her words and cheered loudly with such exuberance back at her. We then went back to doing what we were doing (eating, drinking, whatever it may be.)

What amazes me is that it is almost as if she wants us to remember, in the midst of our business and gathering, what is really important. F A M I L Y. We all know that family is important. Heck, we are all there and gathered and together. However, you know how sometimes something can be right under your nose and you still don't get it? Well, Ella makes sure we all get it. She proceeded to do this "We're All Family!" hand-holding exercise probably 2 or 3 times tonight, and each time my heart became full with love for not only this little girl, but this family, too.

I am so proud that this child, at just 2 years of age, understands what F A M I L Y is. And it's not just our immediate family. It's her aunt, her uncle, her uncle's mother, her grandmas. All of them. THIS is our family. And they are all important to her. And I am so proud that she realizes that we ALL need to hold hands, to FEEL each other. To FEEL the strength that this group provides each other. And reminds us ALL what matters.

Yes, F A M I L Y.

I am feeling such love for this FAMILY tonight. And counting my blessings all the way. Happy New Year, dear friends. Happy New Year.


  1. Oh that girl!!! Got choked up on this one!!! So blessed, Leanne!

  2. Yes, our Ella Bella definitely GETS it. Every time she shouts out her hand-holding instructions followed by the proclamation of "We're all family!"... well,it just brings tears to my eyes. Yup - she gets it.


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