She was So Proud of ME . . . and . . .

Ella is definitely a Daddy's girl. When PG is in town and home, there are few moments when she wants me. It's all about Daddy. Daddy must help her get dressed. Daddy must snuggle with her. Daddy must read her a book before bedtime. Daddy. Daddy. Daddy. Most of the time, I am pretty o.k. with all of that. But sometimes I get a little selfish and wish she would long for some Mommy love.

When PG is out of town (as he is now) - that's MY time with her. And I love each and every minute of it. I am off on Wednesdays, so those are REALLY one on one Ella and Mommy days (when Katie is at school.) Tonight Katie was invited to have dinner at a friends, so I found just Ella and I sitting at the table enjoying a lovely bowl of vegetable soup, and singing the ABC's. Really loud. Ella would sing first. Then I would sing. Some rounds we sang together. Some rounds not. Some rounds we sang while holding our mouths, as if "yelling" the ABC's to someone. Sometimes we sang with our eyes closed. It was however Ella wanted it to be, and it was a blast.

When I finished one of my solo ABC performances, Ella slowly clapped her hands and said, with the most endearing tone, "Mommy, you did a real good job. I am so proud of you." It was so sweet how she said that. So supportive and kind. I loved that.

But . . .

We are all real in this house. It's not all fairy tale.

About 2 minutes later, Ella spilled a spoonful of soup onto her lap. And she said . . .

"Oh, ssssssshhhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii . . . (pause pause) . . . tttttttttttttttt."

"Oh, No! Ella! We don't say that word. What's the matter?" I said, while really trying to not laugh in front of her.

Knowing that she shouldn't use that word, she recovered by saying, "I don't say bad words. I know. But, Mommy, I dropped my celery."

Well, I immediately did what a Mommy should do, and reminded her that that was not a nice word and she should NOT say that word.

But I have to tell you, like mother like daughter. . . I would have probably reacted in a very similar way had I spilled my soup. And while I'm not happy that she picked up that word from the wide vocabulary of mine . . . I'm proud it was said at the right time. Ah, well.


  1. Not only at the right time, but with no witnesses around!! It's a good Ella/Mommy secret!! Glad you had some EB time!!

  2. I LOVE IT!!!! That's our girlQ Look at this way, there are several other words she COULD have used, but she didn't. I think she is a very smart girl, and selected the most appropriate word!


  4. Too funny!! One on one time with our kids is the BEST! We have done that with our kids ever since they were babies. Em and I are planning a "Spa Night" a week from Friday...just us, relaxing and talking. LOVE THAT!!:)

    My mom told me when I was 3 years old we were at the store. I was trying to move the cart (we were at the checkout) and I guess mom wouldn't move so I said...."Dammit Mommy MOVE!!!!!!" Too funny...

    Love your new Blog template. I enjoy how you change it up:)


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