Story of a Friend . . . when I needed her most

You know that saying, "Everything happens for a reason" ?

I'm a firm believer in the message behind those words . . . and trust that if something is meant to happen, it will. If it's not, then it won't. I trust the powers that be in this life of mine, and have never been disappointed because of them.

This week I've been struggling with blog writing, with a lack of positivity, and with over all gloominess. Not full blown "Crankville" . . . just feeling like a wet wash rag that has been rung out and is left shriveled up and dry. I've felt that I didn't have a single encouraging or positive thought to write, and that I was done with blogging. I felt that I couldn't keep up with life in our home, and that everything was like one step forward . . . twenty steps back. The demands of my job have caught up with me, and I just feel used up. It's a icky position to find myself in, when I often try so hard to live in positivity. But, it's the truth.

So, I took a break from blogging. Everyone does it. You've done it, I've done it. It's just what the soul needed.

I started wondering if anyone noticed. Would anyone miss me if I didn't update my blog anymore. Does it make a difference what I've shared in the past. Is it time to put a lovely little bow on "From Chaos Comes Happiness"? Why do I spend so much time doing this, anyway.

Then, this very morning . . . I checked my mail.

I'm really bad at checking my mail box. As a kid, I loved running outside to get the mail at my parents home, always excited at the thought that maybe, just maybe, there might be something in there for me. As an adult, I don't meet the mail with the same sort of excitement, as most envelopes received are from people who require my money. And that kind of adds to the gloominess these days.

Inside was a bright red envelope from a dear friend of mine, Mary. I've written about Mary before in this post here and here (click to link to posts.) Mary is a dear friend of my dear friend, Kathleen, and therefore a dear friend of mine. And while I may only see Mary once or twice a year, I adore her. She's real. She's got a heart of gold. She's strong. She's just about the best kind of person one could want in their life. And I received a red envelope from her.

As I walked to the house with envelope in hand, I thought, "Hmmm... Mary's sending Valentine's cards out? That's different ... she doesn't really do that." Then I thought, "maybe it's an invitation to a party" or something like that. Much to my surprise . . . it was nothing like that.

What it was, was a Starbucks gift card. Now, as you know, I love Starbucks. It is my mojo, my reward, my motivation on a gloomy day. So to receive an unexpected Starbucks gift card is like GOLD.

But that really wasn't the best part in this envelope.

The best part was the note Mary wrote to me. Mary. My friend. She wrote an amazingly touching letter to me . . . thanking ME for my BLOG. This blog.  This very piece of online space that has saved my thoughts and words for the past 400+ posts. This very thing I've thought about ending.


Thanking Me for all the times I made her laugh, made her cry, made her think and made her remember.

Thanking ME.

And all of a sudden, it's like a big ol'wind came by and blew that gray cloud far away from my head and said, "GO AWAY, YOU MEAN GRAY CLOUD!!! GO AWAY!!"

You know, I really do believe that everything happens for a reason. And today, Mary's letter was exactly what I needed. Mary, you have no idea how much this means to me. When I drive through Starbucks today and relish in the aroma of coffee . . . I will think of you and say a prayer of thanks that you are in my life. You have no idea how you have touched my heart, dear friend.

With love.

And to all my other dear dear blog friends, I thank each of you . . . with my whole heart. Have a wonderful Friday, all!


  1. Oh I do understand just how you have been feeling. I hope the January blues will be banished soon.

  2. Thank you, thank you Mary!!! Leanne don't even think about not blogging anymore!!! I love your posts!!

  3. Hey Leanne
    Good to know you're back online... we missed you! Glad those grey clouds are flying away...keep them banished!
    Have a lovely weekend...

  4. I do understand what you mean my friend. And Starbucks...well you can't go wrong there! I've been right there with you...I noticed you were MIA but figured there was indeed a good reason! Glad you are back! Missed ya!

  5. That is SO amazing!!! Angels, truly, are everywhere ... :) I thought you had said you were taking a break, and I've been following the other blog so I've still felt connected. Everyone needs their space, but you can't run away from your fans and friends for TOO long!

  6. Angels, angels everywhere!!! I just love that we can see them even when they aren't sporting wings...and that they show up at just the right time! And if there is EVER any question on whether you should walk away from this blog, call me!!

  7. Mary, I don't know you, but I love you!
    I'm so glad you were able to receive encouragement just as you needed it Leanne. Enjoy every last sip of that Starbucks! (We need to make sure you have the energy to keep us entertained and inspired on your blog!)
    It is amazing how much work a blog can seem at times, but I always love coming here and visiting because you do seem to somehow put "positivity" into everything, and it really lifts my spirits. Thanks again for sharing a wonderful event that makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. :)

  8. That is so so beautiful. What a great friend. I took a mini week off of blog reading too. Just too much going on in my life and in my head to sort through it all. Some times we really need to just sit back and you can do that at Starbucks :)
    Hugs girl.

  9. That's so lovely! You were sent an angel! (Mary,I mean, not Starbucks):)

  10. Oh freind I too needed this put a smile on my face and remind me that even tho we get down...there is an up. I've been missing my blog but like you said I have had nothing blissful to write about so I'm not. What a wonderful person Mary is! Hope you are feeling less stressed and more blessed... Big love!!

  11. I love it! So happy to know that someone made your day like that.


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