A Quiet Reflection

The other day, I found myself waiting at a red light behind a "soccer mom". I knew she was a soccer mom, because I saw the soccer team window decal on the back of the large SUV she was driving. It was next to the gymnastics window decal, across from the dance company decal, and above the family decal with the Dad, Mom, three kids, two dogs and one cat.

In her drivers side rear view mirror, I could see the reflection of her face . . . the mom. With her head leaning on the window, I watched as she closed her eyes. They stayed closed . . . for a few minutes (a train happened to come by at this particular intersection, so our red light became a little bit longer than usual.) Within seconds, a peaceful look came over her face.

"I know what you mean . . . ," I wanted to tell her, "I've been there before. In fact, I'm there now."

It's funny, isn't it? How so many of us wait for those quiet moments . . . at a red light . . . to find peace. I often wonder why we get ourselves into these sort of predicaments, that the only peace and quiet we find in our life is during those brief moments waiting at a red light when everything sort of stops. 

I love moments like that.

The new year is gearing up, my friends. And just like last year, I am finding those days on the calendar filling quickly. Birthday parties, Girl Scouts, gymnastics, dentist appointments and play dates (and these are only Katie and Ella's activities.) I wonder how long it will take before I find myself closing my eyes at the red light, like that woman in front of me.

I am trying to get a handle on it all before it gets a handle on me. I need to find the balance. Balance. Balance was my "Word of the Year" for 2009. I remember feeling completely overwhelmed at life back then, and I know that I DID find that balance in life. While I hope to flourish in life this year, I need not forget . . . balance.

It's possible.

I know it is.

And to keep me focused, I'm starting to meditate. Yes, I am. I wrote about it earlier this week, and I am happily getting a handle on it right now. Did it twice since my last post. And it helped.


So, until we meet again, my friends . . . I wish many quiet moments at the red light for you.

And much, much peace.


  1. You can do this. You will be great. You have balance. You have a plan. You do it because you love your children. Your reward is huge. :-)

  2. God gave me a break today with the snow. A hectic day became a day off and I am so so grateful.


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