Garbage Day!

Garbage Day. My favorite day of the week. I love it.


I want to get a t-shirt that reads "I 'heart'  Garbage Day!", but I'm afraid people will think I'm one of those hoarders who drives through the town picking up items left curbside, as they wait for the big green truck to take them away. Not that there is anything wrong with that . . . (OK, there is something SERIOUSLY wrong with that). I promise I am not one of those types. But, I am loving Garbage Day for a whole new reason this year.

You see, I am de-cluttering. I'm giving it up. I'm letting go. I'm throwing it away.

Nothing of value, I promise. I'm talking about all the mounds of other things that have fogged up my brain (and home) for the past 10 years. The scrap pieces of scrapbook paper that I kept because "you never know when your going to need a 2" x 2" piece of red polka dot paper", and the thousands of little notebooks that the girls scribbled on through the years because "you never know when you are going to need to look at a thousand pieces of paper with a red marker line drawn on it." But I'm giving it up.

As much of it as I can without my emotions getting in the mix, and without my palms starting to sweat, and without the need of a seltzer to calm my nerves.

I'm a seltzer drinker, did I ever tell you that? Some sort of comfort comes over me when I am in a scattered state of mind that only seltzer can calm. It's silly, but my family is all use to me by now, and many of them make sure they have seltzer (Canfields, the twelve pack in the blue box) on hand . . . just in case I need it. . . . I digress . . .

So, Garbage Day. It's on Thursdays for us. And I find the past few weeks I can't WAIT for it. I try to "beat the Garbage Man" every single Thursday, and get every last possible piece of garbage out to the curb before I hear the truck heading down my block. The refrigerator is cleaned, every garbage can in the house is collected, and this year . . . in 2013 . . . I am trying to organize our home life, so I am working through (little by little) every nook and cranny of this house that I possibly can.

You may walk into my home and have no idea of the progress I've made. Yes, the corner of that kitchen counter is still a problem area in our home, and there are many other areas that still need much attention. But for me . . . I feel it. I know I'm making progress. I know where the improvements are . . . and that is really all that matters. I feel better about it.

I am working hard on lifting that fog that has my brain so stuck lately. One step at a time.

It feels good.

I'll get there.

And today . . . I sat down and wrote this blog post. In seconds. Just like the good ol'days.

Maybe it all has something to do with each other. Maybe the desire to flourish - the need to balance - the de-cluttering - the studio reorganizing (that is almost done) . . . maybe it is all connected. I'm pretty sure of it.

I think tomorrow I'll be back to show you my studio "AFTER" pictures. It's has been a loooooong process of cleaning, reorganizing, moving furniture, adding furniture, and full-blown revamping of the studio/basement space. And I am . . . a l m o s t . . . done. I think my goal today will be to complete it, and share with you right here. Oh, that's exciting. I put it out there . . . now I must do it! YAY!

Making progress, my friends. One little step at a time.

And wishing you peace along the way.


  1. Girl you made me laugh! I recently purged my little scraps of scrapbooking paper and the tons of pictures that need a translator-whichever kid that drew it. This spoke to me on so many levels! :)

  2. This is GREAT! Something woke up inside of you, and it seems you found your inner story teller again. I chuckled a few times, and that's what I like about your writing. You take one little thing we all go through (Garbage pick up) and you make it humorous and relatable. Awesome!


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