The Time is Now - Hello "Word of the Year" 2013!

My friends . . . Happy Happy New Year!

We made it!

And oh, how happy I am that we did! Here we are, the very first day of 2013 . . . and I am feeling wonderful. I was so happy to close the book on 2012 - a year that, while full of so many daily blessings, brought a great deal of challenges, growth and sadness in the world.

Personally, 2012 was one full of lots of ups, and lots of down, and a great challenge along the way. Expressing my inner voice, nurturing a relationship in the midst of a heavy travel schedule, raising children who are trying to spread their wings, juggling jobs, worrying about finances, and then throwing a whole bunch of family into the mix . . . I often found myself stopping and taking deep breaths through out year, and then picking myself up (with courage) and moving forward. And here I stand, on the other side, and gladly say, "Good Riddance 2012! I'm glad you were here, because I grew so much. But . . . ADIOS!"

Do it with me . . . . Deep breath in . . . . hold. . . . . . . . . . and exhale.





So here we are, as I said above, the very first day of 2013. I have a pot of home pasta gravy on the stove right now, the smells of garlic and goodness is streaming through the home, and I feel so excited to start 2013 that I am almost annoying myself!

There is clearly no better time to get my Word of the Year out there, than right now. If you have read me for any time, you know what I am talking about and what I am doing . . . that being, selecting a WORD to really focus on and lead me in the right direction in the new year. My past words can be viewed here, if you are interested. Now, to my Word for 2013.

I struggled, a bit, with selecting my word for 2013. In years past, the words sort of found me, as opposed to me selecting them. They found their way to my head and my heart long before I even thought about them, as if the universe knew what I needed at that time in my life. This time, the process was a little different.

It seems for the past four or five years, my Word of the Year would have to do with something in my life that I wanted to work on. Something that needed improvement. Something that I needed to focus on or address. This year, I just want to be. To move forward. To strive. I've spent a great deal of time the past few years trying to become a better person. And while I know that each and every year I am growing and changing and learning, in this new year . . . I want to just . . . GO . . . I want to . . .

1: to grow luxuriantly; thrive
2 a: to achieve success; prosper
b: to be in a state of activity or production
c: to reach a height of development or influence
3: to make bold and sweeping gestures
I love it!
I have big plans for us . . . my word and me.
I have dreams, and ideas, and hopes, and a desire unlike ever before.
I'm not looking back. I'm not wondering "what if" or "why not". I'm just moving FORWARD.
Come along with me, my friends.
It's going to a WONDERFUL adventure.
And do me a favor, will you? Let me know what YOUR Word of 2013 is, will you? I'd LOVE to know.
Peace, and here's to a Happy New Year!!!


  1. Wonderful word! Not merely "exist," not only "live," but flourish!!! It builds upon past words and carries them into a grand and glorious future ... :) A happy, happy, happy new year to you, my fabulous friend!

  2. LOVE it!! It's perfect for you and where you are in your life and business! I can even see you saying it with your arms in a flourishy gesture! Oh YES!! It's perfect!!!

  3. That is an awesome word! I don't think I have a word for 2013. Not yet, but I do plan to make some big changes! Happy New Year!

  4. Hi Leanne! Nicole from here: is sponsoring a linkup with your one word where you have a chance to win a necklace with your word on it!

    I think you have a great one. Mine is "fun" ;-)

    Happy new year

  5. Love your word... It is so you, so many possibilites, so many bright and sunny adventures with your word. You could not have picked anything better!!!

    Happy New Year my friend, spray of sunshine (oink, oink)

  6. It's so good to read that someone else just wanted to say good bye to 2012. I like to think of it as a year of prep work that needed to be done so that this year can be even better! I love your word and look forward to seeing what the new year brings!

  7. Glad you linked and the best part of your word - to grow luxuriantly.
    Just love that!


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