Crafty Schamfty Fridays 8

Welcome dear loyal Crafty Schmafty Friends!!! Yes, yes, I skipped a week. I have no excuses - other than this thing called life that sometimes gets in the way of doing what I really want to do . . . and that is, of course, CREATING!!! So, please forgive me . . . and hold on tight . . . because this week we have a WONDERFUL project that is not only Crafty AND Schmafty, but LOADS OF FUN, too! Welcome to our 8TH INSTALLMENT of This weeks project comes directly from PINTEREST. Oh, I just ADORE Pinterest. Whenever I am feeling a void in the crafty department, I head over there for INSTANT inspiration, ideas and joy! If you aren't pinning . . . well, you should be. It really is the most user friendly way to catalog those online ideas, projects, products and things that make you happy. LOVE LOVE LOVE Pinterest. (Please note, I am not being reimbursed, in any way, for tooting my Pinterest horn. I just love it THAT much, that I have to share!) So, last week I wanted to do a projec...