How often do you SMILE?

Today I was driving in a parking lot and came to that awkward moment when my car met up with another car (it was a big truck, actually). I was in no hurry, so I waved the truck on to cross in front of me. The driver of the truck was a man, probably in his late 50’s. He looked a little rough and tumbled, with a worn out baseball hat on his head and dust all over his car. I was so surprised when he looked at me . . . and smiled. Not just any smile – a really wonderful friendly “Hey, thanks for letting me go first, you good looking lady!” kind of smile (alright, you got me. I threw in the "good looking lady" part.) But it was a genuine smile sent with warmth and kindness, with thought. As he drove pass me, I realized that I was smiling too. I don’t know who started smiling first, but what I do know is that here, in this brief moment, we both felt good.
How many times do we avoid making eye contact with a perfect stranger? Why would we rather look down at the ground when walking pass someone, than up into their eyes? Seriously, is there really something on the ground we would rather see?
Today, let’s try to do something different. Let’s connect with each other – even if we don’t know each other. Today I challenge you to share your smile. I promise – it will make you feel good inside and you never know when your smile may make the difference in someone else’s day.
Your smile is one of the bestest around, Leanne. And it's true... it's one of the easiest things to give that almost always gets an immediate return on your "investment".
ReplyDeleteI think about this post everyday, at less three times a day... I loved it, so true. I smile more now, and people look at me like "Crazy smiling lady..."
ReplyDeleteKath - I LOVE that you are smiling more!! And I will gladly walk by your side, and be the "Crazy Smiling Lady's Crazy Smiling Friend!" Together we can change the world!