I mean I'm late . . . about 1/2 hour. Every darn day. To every darn thing.
This morning I needed to be OUT OF THE HOUSE at 7:30 AM. (I had an appointment at a client's office in the city at 9:30 AM, and I needed to stop at my office in New Lenox to get my laptop. Now, I understand this all could have been avoided by bringing my laptop home on Friday. Yes, that would have been a really good thing to do. Too bad I didn't think about that.)
So this morning I arranged for my dear sister to watch the girls (thank you Laura!) and asked her to be at my house by 7:30. She walked in at 7:20 AM (always punctual, as usual), and I think I was trying to get Katie up and dressed, or something. I don't know. All I know is at 7:52 AM I was just starting my journey driving down the street in my car, wondering why I was running late AGAIN!
I don't know how this happens. I can plan out the morning perfectly - with plenty of time to accomplish all of my morning goals (maybe thats the first problem. . . I shouldn't set any morning GOALS). Then all of a sudden . . . It's almost as if I truly believe the clock in my house will stop, and I think to myself, "Ooooo - why don't I just quickly . . . fold laundry, change my shirt, empty the dishwasher, change purses, change my shirt again, fix my to-go coffee, make a phone call, pay a bill online, take the garbage out, talk to a neighbor, change my shirt again . . . all in the next 10 minutes!!!!"
I need to really stop this behavior. It creates such tension inside - it's nuts. Hmmmm . . . I'll work on that. Just not today. Maybe tomorrow. What is that quote Scarlett O'Hara said, "I can't think about that right now. If I do, I'll go crazy. I'll think about that tomorrow." Dear Scarlett . . . what would Scarlett do? She wouldn't worry a bit about it. After all, the party wouldn't really start until Scarlett arrived.
Until tomorrow . . .
p.s. Did you REALLY think I was "LATE" late? Really? Heck NO!
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