When is ENOUGH enough?

So, today I took a look at the "storage cabinet" above our refrigerator, and realized that perhaps I went a little bit . . . overboard. I don't know if you ever went through this . . . but preparing for Katie's lunches for FIRST GRADE was a huge adjustment for me. And I wanted to make sure that we had EVERY SINGLE SNACK available that she might want. (What? Did I really just say that?)

Now, believe me . . . I am NOT one of those Mom's who gives her kids everything that they want. I definitely understand the word, "NO", and actually think that I say it quite often to my children. However, there was something about shopping for Katie's lunches that left me vulnerable this school year. I mean, these are her VERY FIRST LUNCHES of her VERY FIRST YEAR in school (. . . right?) Ok . . . How silly is that? What makes this even more upsetting is that . . . contrary to what it might look like . . . we are NOT the Rockefellers. The money spent on those snacks could have most definitely gone to a more appropriate place, like, let's say, the water bill. Or, perhaps, the electric bill. Yes, that would have made sense.

But I don't know what happened. What if she would have asked for the Mickey Mouse Apple Crisp Snacks, and I didn't have them? Or what would have happened if I only had the straight preztel sticks and she wanted the round preztels? Oh my goodness . . . well, it could have possibly stunted her growth and caused her . . . nothing.

It would have done absolutely nothing. Because this little girl really doesn't care what I put in her lunch. She is having so much fun at school, that the last thing she is worried about is her LUNCH. Hmmm . . . I'm beginning to understand. So, Mommy has learned a VERY BIG lesson this VERY FIRST week of school. In this case, I would say I've definitely found ENOUGH!


  1. So Mommy gets through the 1st week of school with lessons learned!! Congrats on your "graduation".

  2. Thanks, Peggy. It was a tough lesson (hee hee). Really - I just looked up at the frige and it hit me like a brick. The good thing is I didn't have to buy a single snack while grocery shopping this weekend. I probably won't have to for about . . . uh, let's say, a few months!


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