The Case of the Missing Comments

Am I the blog commentor who never leaves? When you see my comment on your blog, do you cringe? I'll tell you why I'm asking. Because recently, I'm beginning to think that Blogger has it out for me. Seriously. Now, I don't know if it's the long day I had that is causing me to think that ... or paranoia ... or perhaps the glass of wine I had with dinner ... but I really think that when Blogger sees me commenting, it decides, "Hey, it's that Leanne chick .... let's mess with her!" You see, the past few computer jaunts I've taken have brought me to some really awesome blogs ... (none of which I can recall at this very moment, again, that must be the glass of wine's fault.) But I visited some wonderful places. And I commented. Lovely, witty, charming comments (of course). Now, being the obsessed person I am, I have RE-visited some of those blogs, to see if the owners of said blogs had anything lovely, witty, charming to say in return ...