The Case of the Missing Comments

Am I the blog commentor who never leaves? When you see my comment on your blog, do you cringe?

I'll tell you why I'm asking.

Because recently, I'm beginning to think that Blogger has it out for me. Seriously.

Now, I don't know if it's the long day I had that is causing me to think that ... or paranoia ... or perhaps the glass of wine I had with dinner ... but I really think that when Blogger sees me commenting, it decides, "Hey, it's that Leanne chick .... let's mess with her!"

You see, the past few computer jaunts I've taken have brought me to some really awesome blogs ... (none of which I can recall at this very moment, again, that must be the glass of wine's fault.) But I visited some wonderful places. And I commented. Lovely, witty, charming comments (of course). Now, being the obsessed person I am, I have RE-visited some of those blogs, to see if the owners of said blogs had anything lovely, witty, charming to say in return to my lovely, witty, charming comment (do you see the pattern here?).

Anyway, I return to the comments and find ..... HEY .... my comment is not there.

Wait a minute. I left a comment (or so I thought I did!)

Where did it go?

So then I am faced with a decision .... do I RE-comment? (and take a chance that the first one won't magically appear, just as it disappeared, and present myself as the girl who just can't get enough of her lovely, witty, charming self?) Or, do I let it go, and worry that perhaps the owner of the lovely, witty, charming blog decided that I am, in fact, not that lovely after all? Maybe the owner of the blog ... deleted me. Could it be?


So, I'm throwing this out there to all my dear blogland friends. Have you ever commented on a blog - then found that it was ... gone? What do you do? I'd love to know, because this has me quite perplexed. What do you think? Should I RE-comment? And be non-officially christened as The Comment Stalker? Perhaps I need to change my button from this . . . .

to this . . .

Oh, No!!!

My inquiring mind REALLY wants to know what you think . . . so feel free to comment. I promise . . . . I won't delete you!!!


  1. Yes!! I have left comments today - that have not appeared!!

  2. I wouldn't worry about it too much, I posted a comment last night on one of my blogs to friends who were so kind to post comments on my blog and this morning, it wasn't there. I think Blogger sometimes acts a little quirky. You might try re-commenting, and if it seems a little stalkerish, so be it. But that is just my opinion.

  3. HA! Love that button...cracks me up! I know what happens...the blog you left the comment on...Has their Comment "word Verfi" on and if you leave withoud checking to see if you have to do the "word verfi" thing the comment gets lost. Thats why I hate "word verfi" and don't use it. I can use all the comments I can get LOL....please stalk me anytime.

  4. you are too funny! when someone leaves a comment on my blog, i visit theirs and thank them for visiting and comment on their post. i don't usually have a running dialogue in my comment section.
    i have, at times, left a comment on a blog and then i don't see it later..but i think it may be because i get in a hurry and i think it posted, but i have in fact probably not done the word verification in my haste...any help? and you can leave a comment on my blog anytime!!

  5. You know what...i usually don't go back and check comments. However, I know for sure that I have missed word verification. Especially on blogs where commments are imbedded. Because you leave a comment and the whole page has to load again and then you have to scroll back down to your comment and type in word verification. I click off the page so quickly and half the time I think I miss it!

    Your button cracks me up!!

  6. Oh yeah...they also might have comment moderation turned on so you wouldn't see it until they post it!

  7. Hey there!! If it was my blog, I had some glitches and lost a few posts, then when I got them back, they were minus the comments! :( I ADORE your comments!! ♥

  8. It's happened to me. Sometimes the comments will say I have more than what shows then the next day, they appear. It must not be working today or my post wasn't worth commenting on. Come visit me if you haven't already!

    Glad to know I'm not the only comment stalker!


  10. Let's see if this posts! ;-)

    This will sound totally stalker-esque, but I was thinking of you while reading a book I thought you might like. (Not a stalker. Just like to share a good book when I find one!)

    It's called The Happiness Project, by Gretchen Rubin. My book club is working on it now, something about it reminds me of your blog. Which made me think you might enjoy it!

    It was a NY Times Bestseller, but many of our club members had a hard time finding it, I got mine for $11.00 on (check it out, too!)

  11. On my blog I have to approve before comments post and when I get super busy with work or home it may be a day or longer (especially over weekends) before I have the time to go through and publish comments. So don't feel bad - maybe that's the case for the blogs you posted on!


  12. Hey there! Thank you for your sweet comment today! I have thought that at times also. It could be that it was a bog owner approval and you might have missed it. I have done that. I always feel like Blogger is putting up a fight! If you ever see my blog without proper spaces or funky stuff it shows you Blogger and I were having a moment. I can be a perfectionist and it drives me crazy at times,because my finished posts are always nice looking and then I press publish and poof! It does not look the way I had it! I hope you have a great day!

    Mama Hen

  13. I never go back to see my comments, but given MY issues with comments, I have no doubt that mine disappear, too.
    My issue is when I click on "post comment" and it's a separate window that pops up. More than half the time, it locks up my IE. So I have to reboot. Then I get frustrated and end up not leaving comments on anyone's blog. So when I appear to be ignoring you, I'm not. I'm just IE frustrated.

  14. Yes Leanne, and I will tell you why....the word verification messes us up...I have noticed I type it in and proceed to leave....but wait just a minute, I typed that stupid thing what I think I have done in the past is fly away too fast comment never makes it. Anyhow, hope all is well otherwise. I wanted to let you know I have a Oprah audition tape up and I would love for you to see it...if you like it, you can vote for me:) Debbie

  15. I have not had a problem with comments. I think it's not there but usually it's just waiting for owner approval. So, what I am saying is..., it's just you...:)

  16. Oh my goodness!! You always crack me up! I've had this happen a couple times- I recomment telling them my first one didn't show up ;) By the way- you can stalk me anytime ;)


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