Mmmmmm . . . butter

I pride myself in keeping a well stocked "cubbard" and refrigerator. My sister laughs at me because I always seem to have the ingredients needed to make even the most obscure recipes. You need a spice? I've got it! Out of sour cream? No problem! Forgot to pick up eggs? How many do you need? I've got 18 right here!

So it was nothing new to pick up the phone the other day and hear my neighbor on the other end, asking if she could borrow a stick of butter.

Butter. BUTTAH. That Yellow Goddess of all things Good and Delicious! The one thing that I could (but NEVER have) bite right into . . . . ah, Butter. If I could have, I would have given both Katie and Ella the middle name of "Butter". Yum.

Imagine my horror when I looked into my frig and discovered . . . I was OUT . . . of butter.


"I'm out of Butter!" I told my neighbor.

"Oh, that's ok. I have to run to the store, so I'll pick some up," she said.

"No... no... you don't get it. I am OUT of BUTTER!!!!!" I said.

"Yes, I heard you," she answered. "It's ok."

"But . . . I've never been out of BUTTER before. I think . . . I'm in shock . . ." I told her.

"It's ok," she said. And like any good friend, she offered help, "I'll pick some up for you when I go to the store right now. OK?"

"Yes . . . that would be so nice . . ." I answered.

Oh, Paula Deen, don't give up on me yet. From now on, I promise to keep a closer eye on the butter situation in our house. Cross my heart.

Me as Paula. . . the Paula Deen of our block. Scary, isn't it?


  1. LOL! I've had those moments before too...during the middle of cooking a recipe, usually! Love the pic of you as Paula Dean!

  2. Oh my gosh! That picture is hilarious! I am going to go get another stock 'o buttah and put it on something fried right now!

  3. You are so sweet with your comments on my blog today! I was planning to print my list out too, so thanks! I wanted to email you but I couldnt find your email. I would put up your button on my blog too! Thanks! :-)


    loooovvveee that photo! Totally made my morning!

  5. Oh, Paula...that picture is HILARIOUS ;)

    I never, ever, ever run out of onions or garlic. And guess what I ran out of last week? Onions AND garlic! But it was actually hubby's fault because he used the last of both and didn't tell me. But I freaked out too!

    I'm glad you found me too! Make sure you swing by on Sunday for the "big announcement" - it's gonna be fun!

  6. HA!! As soon as I read, "I'm out of Butter", I gasped. Can't even imagine you not having buttah in the house!!

    All's well, now that the neighbor went shopping!! Life is grab yourself a stick a buttah!!

  7. Ah ha just finished laughing my butt off (which isn't possible by the way) You are too cute! I hate when that happens...and you as Paula Dean=hilarious!

  8. mmmm... I love butter too. I cook everything in butter... it's definitely the best ingredient of all! Your photo is awesome..LOL!

  9. Oh Paula!!!!!!!!! No buttah in the house is just a tragic, tragic situation. I love the photo too - it give you an idea of what you will look like if you ever stop "tinting" your hair!!!

  10. Butter...butter...BUTTER!! I LOVE, ADORE and want to MARRY butter!!!:) I eat popcorn just so I can eat BUTTER!.



  11. Hi! Thanks so much for coming to visit me, so I could find you and return the follow ... :)

  12. This was a lovely post to wake up to! I can't imagine running out of butter, either. I'm sure Paula won't give you the cold shoulder. :)

    Incidentally, my brother DID bite into a stick of butter when he was young. From his reaction, I would say that it isn't as tasty as it sounds.

  13. You are so silly! I know the feeling though - I seem to have everything BUT what I need at that moment. Oh well.

    Side note: when my nephew was really young, his doctor thought he wasn't putting on weight enough and told my sister to feed him butter....straight butter...can you imagine having that prescription? I thought the doctor was out of her mind! Really....can you imagine!


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