HURRY UP!!! The tornado is coming!!!!

I’ve got issues . . .

They say that admitting you have a problem is the first step in recovery, right?

Well, I’ve got issues. And I’d like to tell you about one of them. . .

Wednesday evening we were in the midst of a crazy rain storm here in Chicago. It was BAD. It’s as if the heavens opened up and the angels threw a party (or poured at least a gazillion gallons of water) down on all of us. Trees limbs were flying through the sky, lightening made it look like it was Studio 54 outside the window, and the thunder … lordly, lordly … the thunder ... it was bad.

PG was driving home from work in the middle of all of it. I was nervous and really worried about him. I wanted to call and check in, but didn’t want to take his focus off of his driving. We had the local news channel on, which dedicated its whole broadcast to the storm. There were tornado and flash flood warnings everywhere. It was a doozie.

In between pacing, calling PG to find his whereabouts, and keeping myself calm (as to not cause any unnecessary stress on the girls), I started to clean the house … and that is when my most recent Random Thinking Moment carried me away …

Because, you know, if a tornado comes and hits my house . . . what will the neighbors think if I have a sink full of dishes and crumbs on the floor? (Seriously). I feverishly took to the dust mop and vacuum, working against the clock (or in my case, the tornado). I kept thinking to myself, “Hurry, Leanne! The tornado is coming!!! You’ve got to get the dishes done and put away!” and “HURRY UP GIRLS!!! Put those toys away!!! Get that rug vacuumed!!!! There might be a tornado, and we don’t want the house looking like a mess for the emergency crews!!!! What would they think????” I mean, seriously . . . this is what I was thinking . . .

So, you see, I’ve got issues.

About 1 hour later, after things settled down, PG walked in from his long ride home. I was still cleaning and by this time, vacuuming the family room. “What are you doing?” he asked (because, you see, he doesn’t see me using that vacuum very often.) “I’m vacuuming,” I told him, “I was afraid a tornado was going to hit the house, and I didn’t want things to be in a mess.”

Seriously. Yes, I’ve got issues.

And I think PG is praying for more rain ... heck, he might come home to find a hot meal on the table if it storms again! ; )

How about you? Any issues you wish to share?


  1. Funny! I clean house for to elderly people and the day before I leave.. I clean my house from top to bottom. Thinking if I clean for someone else, I should clean my own house. lol

  2. Holy Moly! That was funny! My issues? LOL - where do I begin? Actually I think you have read all about my many issues. My main issue - cynicism. I tend to be very cynical - about everything. Booo on me.

  3. That was too funny....When the tornado warning went off by us, I was folding laundry on the kitchen table....and as we went to the basement, I had to fight that inner urge to stuff my piles into the laundry room to hide it all.

    I didn't want a tornado to rip through and make a mess of all my clean clothes!!!! Yes, I've got issues too!

  4. A tornado in Chicago? Is that common?? Wow! Before you go thinking you have issues, I'm sure it was just nervous energy. Although, when I had a cleaning lady for a while, I felt like I needed to preclean before she arrived. Kinda defeats the purpose doesn't it.

  5. HAAA!!!! Don't let MR. Treasure's see this or he'll be praying for a tornado too!! ;)

  6. I understand, you wouldn't want your house to end up in Oz and munchkins see it that way. They would never give you ruby slipers. Very funny!! I think We need a few tornado warnings..maybe I'd get something done!

  7. That's hilarious! I love your issues and think the same way! Before kids, when I also worked full time and we could afford it, we had a housekeeper come in to clean. I use to clean before the housekeeper came so she wouldn't think we were pigs!

  8. Oh, I get it! It's not an issue it's an Endearing Personality Trait. (That's EPT--but not the kind you pee on a stick to detect--got it?)


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