I'm sleeeeeepy. . .

Have you ever had one of those mornings, when you look at the clock and discover that it is only 8:40 AM, yet you feel like you've just been through a 20 mile marathon? What's worse - is that the kids are on Spring Break, so it's not like you've been busy with school stuff. Although, you are dressed (hey, that's a good thing!), and you do have your hair and make-up done (two more good things!)!

But, you still feel like you've been dragged through the mud. All you've really done so far is woken up, taken a shower, dressed, done the hair and make-up, gotten the kids up, fed, dressed, out the door with Grandma, and you've gone to work. Which, really, is NOT that big of a deal. What's really worse . . . is that WINE isn't even involved with your sluggishness. Seriously. Bummer.

Still, I feel like I've just finished the Tour de France, and I've never even been to France. Bummer.

My Problem? I was up too late . . . on the computer (adding rainbows to my blog and writing about funerals) . . . I was up late watching Ugly Betty on the DVR (I still can't believe they are canceling that show) . . . I was up late reading a Scrapbook magazine . . .I was up late, doing things I probably shouldn't have been doing. I should have been sleeping. . . . but I wasn't.

Why is it that I only have time to myself between the hours of 9PM to 1AM? Am I being selfish to wish for hours in the day light to surf the net? (Does anyone call it "surf the net" anymore?) Or to dream of actually watching Ugly Betty when it is actually ON? (Actually . . . do I really want to sit through the commercials? I think not.)

But, last night . . . I was up late.

Did I have to do that? Nope.

Was it fun? Yep.

Am I paying for it today? Hell, yeah.

Will I do it again? Probably.

Do I regret staying up late last night? Hmmmm . . . nah. Not at all. Life is short. And the midst of my late night computer/dvr/magazine escapade, I somehow connected with some cool people (including the girl inside of me), and that was yet another good thing.

Thanks for the late night, Friends.

I'm off to bed early tonight. ; )


  1. I love the rainbows and buttons and I can totally relate! I just tweaked my background today too. I'm always moving things around, including the furniture which drives my husband nuts. And yes the only time we're allowed to have to ourselves is between 9pm and 1am or in my case 10pm and 2am and I haven't watched anything 'live' in who knows how long, lol. Thanks for the fun post!

  2. As a person who is passed out in bed by 9:00 every night (from exhaustion) I admire someone who can stay up--even if she has to pay for it the next day!

  3. I felt the same way today. Didn't get to sleep until 3am. I'm pretty sure we will have many many more nights like this because it's nice to enjoy the silence and freedom to do what ya want. We just need a big cup of Joe in the morning. :)

  4. Yes, I can so relate!! I love to do all those things, too {especially fast forward all the commercials!}. And you're right...life is short and we just gotta enjoy it when we can!!

    I love your new blog look. SWEET!



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