It always ends with Love

Oh My Goodness . . .

Today, I've been a BAD Mom. How quickly we forget moments of "Peace in the ER" when the children are all back to normal - feeling (and acting) like their old selves . . . and testing testing testing a Mom who is feeling drained drained drained.

Today, I have lost whatever patience I may have had, and lost my temper a couple of times, too.

Today, I argued with a 6 year old. Yes . . . actually ARGUED with a 6 year old. Not just a little argument, either. This was a full blown "GO TO YOUR ROOM!!!" argument. Isn't that one of the top "DO NOT" Parenting Tips? DO NOT ARGUE WITH YOUR CHILD. YOU ARE THE PARENT. YOU are the authority in the home. Don't allow your child to argue with you (or something like that.)

But right now, as I yelled that I needed some quiet Mommy time (on the computer) to de-stress (and write this blog), as I needed some quiet Mommy time to cool off and let my temperature (and my blood pressure) come back to some measurable level . . . that very 6 year old who pressed ALL my buttons today, just came to my desk and very quietly handed me this note . . .

So, as I sat here thinking "What have I done wrong?" and trying to find the words to ask all my blog friends what I'm doing wrong . . . my child reminds me that a couple things are right.

I've taken some big deep breaths here, and feel much better. The very gift of motherhood that I felt so thankful for yesterday is still here. I am blessed. For the good, and the bad times.

And as the dear Scarlett O'Hara would say, "Tomorrow IS another day!"


  1. Yes, tomorrow is another day!! Another day for KJ to grow a little more in her search for who she is beyond Mommy & Daddy's little girl. How beautiful that is!!! Those mother/daughter arguments (especially when they're only 6), can drive you up the wall! Until they make a card for you that reminds you that you're really not doing anything fact, you're doing everything right! That you're teaching her to speak up for herself! Well done, Mom!!!!

  2. Leanne - I loved this blog (as I do all of them) You always are teaching by example - calm but assertive reinforcement - sounds logical and it is your norm - you give to your children the example and usually, they will follow - however, my wonderful, talented and richly emotional daughter in law . . . we are wondrously watching your children developing a lot of emotions and scoping them out on a regular basis, and as you and their grand parents know - pushing boundaries - I think it's OK to let them see us have a melt down, argue and the make up, to be responsible and say I'm sorry, you know . . . be human - I also think (as long as it is not the norm) it is OK and does teach them that like they feel sometimes - frustrated by something - they will (as you are) still loved and respected. As long as there is true remorse - it's OK to be human - big or little - You know, that's why I care for you too - I don't melt down often, but when I do - you may be upset - but when I apologize - you are always there for me too - Not a bad lesson I think . . . Rita

  3. Boy they know just how to put ya in check don't they!?! Well I can tell ya I've been in your shoes more than I'd like to admit! It is the most amazing journey though isn't it?? Oh by the way, I thought of you when I wrote my post today, you know how you wonder from thought to thought HA! That's kind of how I ended up writing the one I did.

  4. Too sweet. Even the bad days are good days when you're a mommy. Being a mommy is the best! And we all have our bad mommy moments so don't feel as though you're alone. I've blogged a few bad mommy confessions myself. I can't wait til my kids can write me love notes! This warmed my heart. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Kids are so resilliant to their imperfect parents. Yes tommorow is another day. Or you could just say, "Frankly my dear. I don't give a damn...."


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