Simply . . beautiful!

So, my Magnolia is blooming, in all its glory. this week! I just snapped a few pictures of it today. Unfortunately the sun decided to hide behind a cloud right when I pulled the camera out. Tomorrow I am determined to grab some shots with BLUE SKY and SUN! But, in the meantime, here are a couple to share. . .
My photography skills are not what I want them to be. It's ok. I know it. I am the only person who can have a camera with a stablizer on it, but still manage to take pictures that are BLURRY. Maybe it's all the Margarita's!!! kidding! ; )

Anyway, I thought it would be a good time to revisit my "2010 TaDa List" and see how I am doing. You remember that list, don't you? (Click here to see the original post). I decided to call it My 2010 Ta Da List (and not a "To Do" list), because Ta Da sounds like it is more an announcement or goal of GREAT MAGNITUDE with GREAT ENTHUSIAM! And, if you remember, I was SO motivated . . . on January 1, 2010, anyway.

Here's a recap of my 2010 Ta Da List, with my progress following in red:

  1. Make more time for PG and I. (Hey, this one has actually been going pretty well. And we have planned a date for this coming Saturday night - we are going to see the movie Date Night and have dinner out. So, so far - I'm doing pretty good with this goal this year.)
  2. Ride my exercise bike at least 4 times a week. (Ummmm . . . Next.)
  3. Illustrate my "Cupcake Story". (Well . . . I started, but am no where near done. So, it's April 13th. Time to take another look at this one.)
  4. Take a Big Picture Scrapbooking class. (I did take a class . . . yea! I didn't finish the project. BUT, I AM working on it, so that's a good thing!)
  5. Send cards and letters via US Postal Service - to keep those people in jobs. (Well, I have sent a few. Not as many as I'd like. But, another good thing to re-focus on.)
  6. Remember BIRTHDAYS. (Ummmmm . . . HAPPY BIRTHDAY EVERYONE! . . . . there. That should cover me for a little while.)
  7. Attend a Womens Retreat or CREATIVE Retreat this year. (Nope. Still have to do that.)
  8. Pray more and spend more time teaching my daughters about Faith. (Check. I actually have been doing that ALOT more this year. So I guess if I'm going to follow through on any of these "TaDa's", then this is a good on to follow through with.)
  9. Learn more about photography and take better pictures. (Nope. Have done nothing to help with this one. Another perfect time to re-focus.)
  10. Write that book. (Well . . . does this blog count?)

SO, there we have it. My 2010 Ta Da's as of April 13th, 2010. Not so bad. Not super good, but not so bad either. Lots to focus on, but no better time than the present to take a look and review where I'm at and where I'm going.

How are YOU doing with YOUR Ta Da's this year? I'd love to know.


  1. To funny!! I'm not doing so well on the exercise one myself! :(

  2. Ok who is doing so well on their to do list? I was suppose to take a blogging break...well I did for 5 days, that was it. Thanks for stopping over hope to see you again:)

  3. I don't recall having a TA-DA list. But then again, if I did, working on improving my memory would be on it. So maybe I did come up with one!!! I'm making some strides with my photography, so I'm happy about that. Next on my Gotta find me a good yoga DVD.

  4. Really, really love your flowers. GORGEOUS! We have been admiring them all over our town, too.

    I really should go over my list, too Leanne...good idea!:)

  5. Oh! I want to come and sit under your tree and just breathe deep! Can I do that instead of thinking about my list?

  6. I LOVE your tree! So jealous you have one. I see them around here and just love them. I like #2 on your list. The only thing that gets on my bike is everyone's sweatshirt. One thing I did accomplish on my list is start my blog and get back to creating. Sooo excited to hear about your tiara! I'm just honored that I've inspired someone! I have a cardboard party tiara from New Year that I wear whenever I'm crafting. One night I forgot I had it on and went to bed with it!

  7. Great list you have here! All good goals. I think 4x a week is great for exercise, and is not too hard to maintain. I'm completely with you on sending cards/letters in the mail. I personally LOVE getting something in the mail.


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