31 Days: Write.Create.Be . . . again!

What are you doing next month? Yes, the WHOLE MONTH. All 31 days. Any plans? No? Well . . . I've got something perfect for you. CREATE! Yes, I said 'create' ! Not sure where to begin? Well, follow me over to my friend Leslie's blog to find out where.You see, Leslie will take care of it for all of us. Beginning March 1st, Leslie is hosting a "31 Days: Write, Create, Be" Party. Leslie will prompt us with some wonderful tips, ideas, and goodies to create something . . . anything. . . 6 days each week. Seriously, 6 days a week, all month long. (She's pretty wonderful, isn't she?) I participated in Leslie's challenge last summer, when she held her last "31 Days" festival, and it was such a great way for me to sneak in a little creative fun each and every day. Her prompts were motivating, inspiring, and so helpful to my chaotic brain, that I was so grateful to participate. And this time around, I'm look so forward to thi...