Daily Happiness - frig style

The other morning, I took a good long look at my refrigerator. The front of it. In all it's chaos.

Most of the time, my eyes just pass over all of the magnets, calendars, clips, papers, invitations, bills and photos plastered on the front of our frig - because, quite frankly, there is usually alot going on there.

Except for one little spot . . . where I am inspired daily.

The other morning, I caught a glimpse of this motivating spot, and felt the need to take a photo to remember it. And, as with most things, I want to share it with you. Here it is . . .

The first thing I saw was the heart shaped leaf that Katie picked up on her return walk from the bus stop one day after school last fall. She held it so delicately in between her fingers and gently handed it to me, telling me that it was her heart and she wanted me to have it. I immediately brought it inside and secured it on my frig with this red clip. It has been there ever since. I think I will have to keep this forever, don't you? Her heart . . . and she gave it to me. How blessed am I?

The second thing that warms my heart, is the cross Katie colored in her religious education class this year. A gentle reminder of our faith. It's perfect.

The third thing that has brought me such joy, is the red cardinal "Believe" magnet that I won from artist and blogger, Isabel, over at Oodles and Doodles Art Studio. If you don't know Isabel - you MUST stop over her blog and visit. She does such delightful and whimsical art, that I just ADORE every visit at her site. Months and months ago I left a comment on one of her give-away posts and I won (yippie!!) an awesome decorative wooden block (which I will have to share at another time), and inside the package she mailed to me, she included this magnet. You may not know this, but I have a thing for cardinals (you can be reminded of my love for them here.) And, you might also remember that "BELIEVE" is my word for 2011. How blessed I am to have this fitting reminder every single moment? Isabel - THANK YOU 1,000 TIMES for this magnet!!! It fills my soul daily!!!

And the last thing I saw that constantly brings me joy, is my little Churchill quote magnet, "Never, Never, Never give up!" It provides strength when I need it most . . . there really is no better way to put it than that, don't you think?

I'm certain that there are members of my family who look at my frig and think, "Gees, get rid of some of that junk, will you?" But me? I know that nomatter what happens, or where I go in life . . . these 4 things will stay. They bring me happiness daily. And isn't that worth it???


What brings you day to day happiness? I'd love to know. . .


  1. That is a joyful and inspirational place ... :) Thank you for sharing that -- what a perfect post to start the day!

  2. Thank You sooo much for the sweet comments:O) Im sooo glad you loved it I always have a hard time parting with my art and soo glad it found a great home:O) Lots of Hugs:O)

  3. What a beautiful fridge collage of inspiration you have there! I love it! And the color coordination is great too! Thank you so much for sharing it with us! Hugs...

  4. What brings me happiness is cooking for my family and my faith. Happiness is temporary but joy is always present. I love the collage of color and sounds like something I might have to do. I love to see colorful items in groups like that. Oh, I hope you try the pierogi yourself.

  5. Isn't it amazing how God shows himself to us in the oddest little things every day?

    This morning, we opened our patio door to see the tiniest little bird foot prints in the snow on our deck...and right next to them...a larger set...and next to them...an even larger set...as if it was a Mother, Father and child peering in our window.

    It reminded me that if God can watch over that family...certainly he will watch over mine. God is just SOOO good to us isn't he???

  6. Oh, it is so sweet that each thing has meaning. We have a lot of junk but I don't think it all has that much meaning.


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