A relationship worth writing about

I know that this relationship isn’t normal and I really shouldn’t rely on you so much for my daily happiness.

But I just can’t help it.

From the moment I see you, my heart skips a beat. I feel a joy come over me . . . like Christmas morning and winning the lotto all at the same time. I know that soon all will be better in my world when I have you in my hands. Oh, this life is good.

There are days when I go without you. When I think that I can survive without your very existence. When I wonder what makes you so special. And I’m ok . . . for a short time. But then, something happens that makes me yearn for you. A late night, or an early morning, might send me into a state of panic if I don’t have you near me. I’ve narrowed you down to the most cost effective way, but just can’t give you up for real.

Some people may think that our relationship isn’t normal.

Some people may worry that I am too dependant on you.

Some people just don’t get it.

When I am cold, you give me warmth. When I am tired, you wake me up. When I am sad, you brighten my day. When I am cranky, you make everything ok. You were born the same year I was . . . and that alone creates a bond like no other. 

I am so glad you came to my town a few short years ago . . .
and I will love you . . .forever.


  1. I think you have "grounds" for your deep and abiding love. I am sure the feeling is mutual!

  2. Yes, I have a passion for Starbucks, too! I've been on a Peppermint Mocha kick since Christmas. Yum!

    (LOVE the V-day background!!!)

  3. LOl!!!I was thinking chocolate the whole time:O)Im funny i dont like warm drinks and i totally love iced cold drinks in the winter!!:O)

  4. LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Oh babe...I thought you were talking about me! I feel the same about my coffee. Kathy just came into my office asking if I read your Starbucks post and I told her "no" as I took a sip of my grande Pike Place with 5 pumps of vanilla and cold soy topper. This is truly a dangerous obsession. Send me the number to your SB mini-card you have on your keychain and I will load it up with some $$ so you can find some more happiness. Love You!

  6. Hahah! I have that same love affair ;)

  7. Oh save me from my daughter-in-laws addictions - oh - sorry - too late . . . Just when I was swearing off my love affair with this dark nutty friend - it pulls me back in . . . Love you Leanne - but Starbucks is a very close 2nd . . .

    Rita (PS - Rich, Phil,the girls and mom all line up as number 1 too u know :)

  8. you need to head up atarbucks PR! this could be a whole new campaign!

  9. Starbucks??? You have Intelligentsia, of which I'm insanely jealous!!! Of course, Intelligentsia isn't on every other street corner, so there's a lot to be said for one's beloved making oneself available for affection ... :)

  10. Here with coffee and four posts to read, forgive me for not commenting on each one individually. They all contained some inspiring words, especially the dream board. I do not like Starbucks but that is because I live where I do :)

  11. That two timing S.O.B I'm going to "roast his beans" for getting "hot and steamy" with another. :0)


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