A Lesson in Plastic Bag Folding (bet you didn't know you needed this!)

This is my friend, Kathleen . . .
I adore her with all of my heart.
She has been my friend forever (or at least, for as long as I can remember).
And we both enjoy wine.
This is Kathleen, her daughter Mags, and me and my girls having dinner one night in December.
Having dinner with Kath and Maggie is truly one of my favorite things to do. 
 I love nights like this.

This week, I received an email from Kathleen that went something like this:
"So tonight preparing for the blizzard Storm of 2011 I went to the store. When I got back I unloaded my groceries and started to roll up my grocery bags into a tie. I need a refresher course, because my bags kept falling apart. So next time we have a pizza night, you will have to give me a lesson again."

 I really can't leave my friend out there, struggling with her plastic bags.  
And since the snow has me unable to drive to her house and give her a lesson,
I thought I'd create a special VIDEO in her honor!!! (hee hee!)

So, without further delay - I give you . . .
Plastic Bag Folding 101!!!
You all can thank Kathleen for letting you in on the bag folding secret!
Now go and tidy your cabinets and fold away!!!
(And thank you for humoring yet another silly video!!!)


  1. I do triangles. First two folds are the same, then I fold it like you would an American flag, starting at the bottom corner. When I get to the handle part, I tuck those in. But the end result is the same. All in a neat gallon sized ziploc.

  2. Ok, how facken cute are you? Seriously. I am still laughing that you made a redo since your hair didn't look good...totally something that I would have done!
    Thanks for the tips!!! Definitely more convenient than trying to jam them into a bin!

  3. Seriously?????? I know that you take your plastic bags very seriously, but... SERIOUSLY??? How did you and Phil Guy make this video without laughing? Oh yeah, that's right, you take your plastic bags very seriously.

  4. KILLING ME.. Okay.. Rachel Ray and Martha Stewart better WATCH OUT!

  5. It is so nice to see you on video! It is a great way for blog friends to see one another! Great bag folding!I just shove them in another bag. :) I will have to try this. I gave you two awards my friend. You deserve them! Have a great day!

    Mama Hen

  6. I'm impressed that you changed your shirt and now as I watch you perfectly match your button over in your side bar!! Truly Authentic!! Love it Leanne! I just mash up the bag and stick it in a bag holder I got from IKEA! ha ha

  7. I am at work, but I am soooooo watching this when I get home =) Visiting from SITS!

  8. Your so funny and organized at the same time!! Great tip thanks!!

  9. OMG!!! LOVE IT!!!!

  10. Only YOU would tie a plastic bag into a bird!!

    Oooh, Leanne! :)


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