Changing Life . . . One Quote at a Time & other thoughts

Years and years ago, I picked up a little quotation book from a local book store. The book, “The Change-Your-Life Quote Book” by Allen Klein, is filled with over 600 wise and wonderful quotes to inspire and motivate. We've all seen books like this one before - there must be thousands out there. But something about this simple little one just pulled me toward it back then. I must have felt that I needed to change my life, and bought this book to help me get the job done.

I brought it home, and I assume I glanced through a few pages of the book, and then promptly placed it on a little bookshelf in our bedroom. There it has been . . . for probably 10 years. I do look at it time and time again, as I swiftly remove dust from the shelf, and it always brings a smile to my face. Then it returns to its resting place until I next need some extra motivation in my days.

On Monday, I threw it in my bag and carried it to work. While I no longer feel the need to “change my life”, I could always use some inspiration from those far wiser than I. I spent my whole lunch soaking in the wisdom of others. It was wonderful.

I often try to live a life of happiness . . . and have written about it before on this very blog. I know that the days when I am happy are much better days than those when I am not. So, one particular quote caught my attention on Monday.

Remember happiness doesn’t depend upon who you are or what you have; it depends solely upon what you think.
– Dale Carnegie

Let that soak in for a few seconds. Read it again.

Do you live a happy life? Is your happiness based on what you have or what you do? Or, is your happiness based on a feeling from inside? Do you believe that you can make a conscious decision to live happy days?

I love little quotes like this - that help remind me of the big picture during my days, and keeps me on path for what I really want out of life. I might even turn this into a little “Changing Life . . . one quote at a time” regular post. What do you think?

And, speaking of the blog in general . . . Would you like to read words of inspiration when you stop here for a visit? What keeps you coming to my blog? What type of posts do you wish to see more of? or less of? I'm at a crossroads right now, and would love a little input from my faithful blog friends about what brings them here. Are inspiring quotes something you'd love to have more of in your life? Or, do you feel you could you get them elsewhere and come here for something different?I’d love to know . . .


  1. I love that quote, and yes, I would like to see more like it. What I would enjoy, too, is your own observations or experiences to show how the quote works or has worked in your own life. But, as always, I appreciate whatever you have to say! Annie

  2. That is an excellent quote! I like to think I live like this. It doesn't matter what you write about. I always come back. ~Hugs

  3. I absolutely love that quote!!!

    I come here for the candy. OK, OK, I love your posts about your family life and your reflections on your girls. Quotes would be great too! That chocolate cookie recipe post was a good one. I just like coming here because your wonderful personality shines through in all you do!

  4. I am laughing and smiling...I have that same book!! It is sitting to my left as I type this. I also have the companion book called "The Lift Your Spirits Quote Book"!!! Too, too funny!!

    What do I love about your blog...that is sooo easy. I LOVE the fact that you write from your heart. You do. It is all you. And even though we have never met face to face {yet} I KNOW that when we do this is who you'll be. The Leanne that is funny, happy, full of wisdom and wit, cranky {helllloooo Crankville, someitmes-hee hee} and artsy.

    Don't change a thing here {except for your background and header every now and then. I love that, too. Always so fun to see what you come up with. LOVE this one now!!}

  5. I always enjoy quotes, in fact I have them in a box on the sidebar of my book review blog.
    They come from Goodreads where I can also be found.
    Please remember that in truth the blog should be for you not just your readers:)

  6. Hi Leanne, This is computer challenged Mom. When I was baby sitting Katie and Ella yesterday, I picked up your little book and was thoroughly entertained. Wish I had a younger mind and memory so I could pass on some of the quotes. Kudos to you. May I borrow the book sometime?? Love you!

  7. I like any posts of your where your personality shines through!

  8. Ok I so would love/need that book! I love your new header by the way, and will stop by no matter what you write, but cause I am on my own happiness journey this year, this one really grabbed me!

  9. I love inspirational books like that!! I have a few on my shelves as well...perhaps it's time to dust them off and give them a read.

    Leanne just blog for yourself and what ever comes to mind...I feel safe to say your followers will always come back no matter what you post.

    As I tell my missionary son in my emails...Keep up the good work..So Leanne...Keep up the good work, we love you!!

  10. I like the quotes, but more than that, I like your reflections on the quote. So if you're asking if you should have a regular "Changing Your Life One Quote at at Time" post, I vote yes. But only because I'd like to hear how you intertwine it with your life.
    Plus, I love how you make me laugh!

  11. I love this quote and would love to see more:O) And I always come back!!! Love the way you write from the heart and soul, you make me Laugh:O)Love the new look of the Blog:O)Keep up the great work Hugs Isabel:O)

  12. I think of this verse after reading your post..

    Philippian 4:8
    Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.

    Yep..I'm thinkin' we are what we think!!


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