It's Coming!!! * * UPDATE * *

If you live in the U.S.A. and have watched any of the news the past few days, you would have heard of the massive snow storm that is making its way across our great land this week. Yes, we are buckling down for a Chicago blizzard, my friends. And expecting anywhere from 18 to 24 inches of that beautiful white magic to hit our town, starting this afternoon and continuing until tomorrow night.


I am most excited (if you can believe it) about this snow storm . . . well, I will be excited once I know that all of my family members have arrived safely to their homes this afternoon and are all accounted for . . . and I will be excited because my PG is IN TOWN (yippie!) and I love nothing more that to be stuck home with PG, Katie and Ella. That, my dear, is the very best ever!

I have lots planned for us in our humble little home, as we watch with great anticipation for the flurries to arrive. And having PG in town, and not on a business trip, just about warms my heart to Caribbean temperatures, for sure! So, lots of fun planned for 2 days stuck in the house. But then, as I think about it . . . I can imagine that all the members of our household have various activities and things they each are looking forward to. Hmmmm . . . I imagine our "Blizzard of '11 Lists" would look something like this:

Leanne's Blizzard of '11 List of things to do while stuck home for two days
1. laundry
2. clean our living room closet
3. clean kitchen pantry
4. clean girls bedroom closets and drawers
5. sort photos from past 13 years
6. organize kids toys

PG's Blizzard of '11 List of things to do while stuck home for two days
1. catch up on Tosh.o episodes on DVR
2. catch up on Fringe episodes on DVR
3. nap
4. play on computer for 48 hours straight
5. nap
6. eat something

Katie's Blizzard of '11 List of things to do while stuck home for two days
1. play in the snow
2. build a snowman (or two or three)
3. sled
4. drink hot cocoa
5. play in the snow some more
6. drink more hot cocoa

Ella's Blizzard of '11 List of things to do while stuck home for two days
1. watch Tom & Jerry
2. have a snack
3. paint and color
4. play Wii
5. watch more Tom & Jerry
6. drink hot cocoa with sissy

Hmmmmm . . .

Yes, now that I think about it, we may have to do some compromising in this house the next 48 hours.

But, I can't wait. For there is no other place I'd rather be than right here . . . watching Tom & Jerry, drinking hot cocoa and napping. Yes, I think the closets will have to wait.

How is the weather where you are?

UPDATE as of 3:20 PM cst:
The storm has hit, and as I sit and look out my window to white flakes blowing and doing their very own happy dances . . . all family members are in their respected homes and accounted for. And, just as I thought, PG is on the couch . . .napping.
Ah, Life is Good.


  1. Why does my list look like yours? Sigh...being the least the photos will be fun, right? Stay warm and cozy with your family - check in soon :)

  2. WOW! I need some of that attitude! We're having ice. I've learned ice isn't as much fun as snow, except that you don't have to shovel it... Hm.

    We were both stuck home all weekened, sick though, not snow. Our list was "nap. eat soup. nap. eat soup. nap." :)

    Have fun!!!

  3. Maybe you should gofer all that and just curl on the couch and snuggle. We as moms should get "snow days" too ;)

  4. *giggle* I love the lists!! Stay warm my friend. WOW - that's a LOT of snow. We would lose our minds down here.

  5. Yeah, I'm looking forward to a snow day or two. I'll be happier, though, when CT makes it home safe and sound from Downtown. My snow day tomorrow will be scrapbooking while CT watches his movies.

  6. Love your attitude here, Missy! Hope you burrow down with your loved ones and have a warm, cozy time.

  7. It's cold here!!! Brrrr...we were at freezing this morning when I left the house with some light sleet, and the temps are supposed to just keep dropping all day. We might get some snow late Thurs./early Fri. But it never sticks, and we will probably not see it since it will be at night. But, I think I need to skooch some things over in the garage so I can park my car in there!!! Have fun girly!!! Jealous you get to stay in!

  8. I hear ya' girl. We are at home, too. I thought about you last night as they were saying Chicago was gonna get the most snow they have seen since the 60's!! Wow!

    I am home writing, taking my class, creating, laundry and baking bread with Em later!! Maybe the Wii, too:)

    Enjoy and have fun!!!

  9. I hope you went to "The Jewels" and stocked up on groceries! Just talked to my mom and she's ready to hunker down!

  10. I was thinking of you when I was watching the news this morning, glad you have everything planed out but Honey you've got the short end of that stick! We have blue skys and sunshine here, getting some spring fever even. Hope you have a warm save night of snow watching.

  11. On my list is making a huge snowman, if the snow is packable, making soup, cleaning off my constantly cluttered table and desk and taking nighttime pics of snow! Enjoy the snuggle time!

  12. How fabulous that you all made lists of things to do while weathering the storm?!?!? But hey...I want snow!!! Send some down here! :-) Hugs...stay safe and warm!

  13. It's been snowing all day here!! Soup is on and homemade bread is about to go in the oven. The only bad thing is my Dave is out delivering pizzas in this!!

  14. Thweather is FREEZING!!! I fell asleep in Texas and woke up in Alaska!!!!:( I reallly dont like COLD weather at all!! I think it changed when I hit 40 and my bones just dont seem to like anything now:( Stay warm!!!


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