The Evolution of an Artist

When I was a young child of 7 or 8 years of age, I discovered my inner artist. Not a Saturday afternoon would go by without me drawing something, and rarely would I be found without some paper and a box of crayons in my hands. Drawing and coloring, very early on, became my form of expression. And it clearly is something that I still do (hence - all the headers I draw for my blog.)

I can see Katie following in my footsteps, and I must tell you . . . I LOVE IT. Nothing warms my heart more than to see her as she works diligently on a piece of art. At 7 years old, she is turning into quite the artist. Currently, her specialty is the self-portrait. I have been secretly collecting her self-portraits and saving them for months now, so that years and year from now, she'll have them to look back at. Tonight, I spread a number of them out on the kitchen table and showed Katie. She couldn't believe I had saved them.
I love to watch how her style is developing from one drawing to the next, her hair, her nose, her eyes. But my very favorite sign is the great big smile on each picture. Seriously. What more could I ask for?
 I really love this one above, showing a bit of the sun in the corner and the words "Hi" coming from her. Friendly. Welcoming. Just as I would always hope my daughter would be. I hope she never loses that happiness. She's going to go far in this life of hers, I'm telling you.
 This one, above, reminds me most of my own 'leanne' character in my blog header. It made me smile when she showed me this one. Katie is my best admirer and I always share my blog headers with her after I have designed a new one. Many times she'll share her ideas and thoughts with me and I create my new look. I just love that about her - always thinking.

As I click away at these photos this evening, she ran to her table and chair and started drawing yet another portrait of herself. And just as I was about to put the camera away, she yelled, "Mom . . . not yet! I'm just finishing one more!"
This was the drawing she finished this evening . . . just minutes ago. I have to say this is now, officially, my favorite one. The smile, the hair, the eyes and nose . . . perfect. But the part I love most? The heart shaped peace sign.

She's a cool kid, don't you think?

That's my girl. My very own 7 year old Artist.

Life is Good.


  1. OH, I LOVE these!!!! I miss talking to you :( Hope you and the family are doing fantastic!!!!

  2. Your Katie Girl is AMAZING!!! I am so glad she is nurturing simliar talents of her mom. The peace sign within her heart is a wonderful sign of the terrific girl you and PG are raising. We are so lucky to be a part of your journey. Thanks for the wonderful words....

  3. She is a sweet, amazing, little chica!!! I love that you have the progression. So fun!!

  4. How neat!! And you're starting her Growth as an Artist Portfolio!! Very cool!! I, too, love that peace sign heart necklace!

  5. Such a gift you have in Katie. You are blessed beyond words my friend. Love her drawings....and the last one, that is my favorite one too! Hugs...

  6. SO cool! Love that you appreciate her talents too!

  7. She IS a wonderful girl! Love those drawings. I have kept almost all of Em's art...I just can't part with it:)

  8. OMG - so is my Kate! She blows me away with what she does!

    I love all you artistes! :)

  9. I love these self portraits of Katie -- they sure do look like her!!!

  10. How awesome that you are keeping these for her! You're such a good mom and she's a great girl! BTW - Ana has a drawing you made of her when she was 4 - it's on her bedroom door :)

  11. Your daughter is very talented at such a young age. She surely got that special trait from you.:-) I love all her drawings, and especially the big red smile on each face she draws. Truly exceptional.:-)

  12. This is great that you have all of these. I am catching up on all of my favorite blogs and it looks like I have missed a ton here! Love all the pictures!


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