Resolution Schmesolution
I don’t like resolutions. Ok, that was a little negative - let me try that again. I like having a plan and firmly believe in having goals . . . but I don’t like resolutions. Ok, one more time. I believe that resolutions are for the birds (was that any better?) I mentioned that this very time last year … it has something to do with those darn Bally’s Chicago Fitness Club commercials that used to air AROUND THE CLOCK when I was younger – reminding viewers to “get in shape” in the New Year. Augh. Whatever. I just ate 2 dozen cookies and drank enough egg nog to last a lifetime – do I need to see 6-pack abs bouncing around my television screen? I think not. The other thing I dislike is pointing out when I don’t finish my . . . goals. Because, as the late, great, John Lennon once sung, “Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.” So, checking your progress is good – but sometimes plans change. And to me, change is good. So, I decided a long time ago that I w...