Embracing Our Differences
I'm behind in my blogging. I'm behind in my reading. I'm behind in my commenting (and promise to catch up on all of your blogs this week!!!!) If you've wondered where I've been . . . I'm going through another one of those multicreatively challenged times in life, when I seem to only be able to do one creative thing at a time. After a lovely Saturday of creative fun in the cellar, I've been working on scrapbooks, making decorative boxes (I discovered Mod Podge and wonder what I did in my life before it!) and doing little things here or there to fill my creative spirit. But, as always . . . when I increase my creativity in one area of my life, I let another one fall behind. Oh, one of these days I hope to embrace all avenues of creativity at one time ... wouldn't that be lovely? In the meantime, I seem to be embracing something different this morning that I wanted to share with you. Today, I am Embracing Life and Our Differences. To do this . . . it...