Wild Update!

Just a quick moment to share with you today . . . in follow-up from my "Born to Be Wild" post earlier this week.

After sharing my secret with so many of my dear blog friends, I've been feeling (in my heart) like I AM that biker chick on my drawing . . .

It's as if just putting the idea out there in the universe was almost enough for me to actually FEEL like the biker girl.

So, this afternoon, as I drove home from running a few errands, I came to a 4-way stop at the same time two bikers guys did. And I did what ANY biker person would do . . .

I waved. Excessively.

Except, my wave was kind of like a really dorky, "HI DUDES!!! IT'S ME  . . . . THE WANNA BE BIKER GIRL . . . REMEMBER ME??? HIIII!!!!!!"

Yeah. That was me.

Remember when I wrote over the weekend about things happening in slow motion? Well, I swear at that moment, I was on my HARLEY. I WAS COOL. I was waving . . . to.the.biker.men.

And, I was really driving my Honda Odyssey Mini-van.

And the biker guys . . . . well . . . they didn't wave back.

Biker guys are such jerks.

Still cool. But jerks.



  1. You're too funny. I can't help but smile when I think of you waving in your minivan =)

  2. I can so picture that...thanks for bringing a smile to my face and a chuckle to my evening!

  3. I can just picture you waving wildly, and them being all Hell's Angels-like. Funny!

  4. Hee, Hee...I can actually see you waving and smiling:) Too fun!

    I love that your a wanna be biker chick. Ya' know I have a biker chick story...hmmmm, that would make a great blog post. I will keep you in suspense;)

  5. Keep waving and those bikers will soon recognize the crazy lady in the van and start waving back!

  6. Pretty sure they were just in awe of you and your awesome biker-ness. Dumbfounded, or something like that.

  7. My guess is that they have been trying to unleash their inner mini-van owners and were speechless with envy.

    There's nothing wrong with an enthusiastic wave. Positive energy is always a benefit. :)

  8. I am doubled over laughing in my office.. and literally said, "Oh My God.." a co worker came by and said, "What's up?" I laughed and said, "Oh.. I just love my dork-nlog friend." bwahahahaha. OH you are cheese redefined and I love ya for it!!! Keep it up!

  9. I bet they were trying to figure out whose wife you were. Live the dream! Rent a bike for a Saturday afternoon to take a lesson. Local Harley dealers usually offer rentals and lessons. Go for it!

  10. maybe if your mom mobile was an SUV instead of a minivan, they would have at least tipped their hats. :)

  11. Biker guys have a secret wave. They acknowledge each other with a down low hand gesture. They not only give the down low to other bikers, but to scooter riders as well. I guess mini vans are not part of the two wheel club.

    If they only knew your secret passion!

  12. Yup. You are a dork. Or maybe the biker guys were just dorks?

  13. I dream of riding a big bike some day. I love the freedom of the idea. But I've never heard of biker snobs before.

  14. HA!!!!!!!! Now that's funny!!!!

  15. Seriously? They don't read your blog? What is WRONG with them! :)


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