My Daily Journey

This is the road I take to and from work every day. While there are probably 30 other ways I could go, I've come to love this short stretch of road, and I choose to drive this route every single day. It's beautiful . . . almost my zen like place where I can clear my mind and forget the chaos of home and focus on the day ahead. It is planked on each side with such lovely trees that feel as if they are reaching out to hug me each morning and afternoon, as I head to and from my job. In the morning, when this picture was taken, the sun beams down between the branches, as if a message was coming straight down from the Big Man Upstairs (aka. God). I always feel like he is sending me a message when I see those sun rays between the leaves. So so heavenly.

No matter what time of year I drive down this road, it speaks to me.

In the Summer, the foliage fills every open space, so much that you can't see very far into the woods as you drive down the road.  Occasionally, a family of deer might cross in front of your car (which is why I always choose to drive a little under the speed limit when heading this way. I mean, why rush the beauty of it all?) If there aren't cars behind me, I'll bring my car to a stop now and then and look deep into the trees for any sign of life. Once in a while, I see the deer, and watch them drift further and further into the unknown forest . . . wondering where they are going, and how will they know they've gotten there when there?

In the Fall, the trees provide the most vivid display of yellows, oranges and a few reds here or there. Often you will find the hood of your car is the perfect resting place for fallen leaves that have been released from their branches. So peaceful . . . a leaf falling . . . .don't you think?

In the Winter, fresh fallen snow leaves white lines on each tree branch. It looks as if Van Gogh himself painted those thin white lines of snow on each branch. It's so quiet, it's truly is a bit of heaven.

And in Spring, it's the sign of new life . . . as the trees slowly welcome baby leaf buds as they start their growth. This road is the first sign of warmer weather to me. Love to see those leaves grow.

Yes, this is my daily journey . . . my place of quiet solitude and meditation. My place of being with nature. My place of peace. Should PG and I ever decide to move, this little road will certainly be what I miss most.

How about you? Do you have any roads or paths that help you feel at peace? I'm wondering - do you ever make a decision to take a certain route and drive a certain way just because of how it makes you feel? I sure would love to know . . .


  1. I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:):)

  2. My Blog is AMAZING!!!!!!!!!! Dave and I are just staring at it!!!!! I love it, I love it...I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Wow sounds like a wonderful place to be. Your writing just took me right there. Amazing.

  4. Yep, Leanne...your wiritng took me to your daily vivid and peaceful.

    I don't have a favorite daily road I drive on but I do have one I walk on. I may have to do a story on that...wonderful idea.

  5. leanne, this is so beautiful! like you say, our commute is often a time to settle down and connect with god...
    your comment on my blog today was so sweet...and you totally get that i have not been able to make art...there is too much going on with kids runnin' around, 2 other adults, a dog...we have been empty nesters for many years, we miss our routine!! lol!
    anyway, it's all served a purpose...
    btw...leslie's blog looks amazing, good job!!

  6. This looks like a spot of road I used to drive on daily when I commuted off-island to work. The best part of THAT drive was by the water!

    These days I work from home and often go down to the beach in the morning for a little god time.

  7. Looks glorious! I do have a place I love to run in Northern Michigan... I wish I had a picture for you! I see you broke the 100 follower mark! Weeee!

  8. Man, I'd look forward to heading out every morning if that's the road I knew was waiting for me - it's beautiful :)

  9. The main road right outside of our track is a gorgeous one. I take it as much as I can but sadly I have to cross over it quickly to get to the ugly freeway to get to work in the morning. My drive to and from could not be any more dreary :(

  10. This is beautiful - love the photo. Beautiful description, oh, just beautiful!


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